Thursday, May 9, 2013

Outrage As USAF Vet Asks To Bury Boston Terrorist In Arlington National Cemetery

Outrage surfaced around the country after a woman in Maryland tried to get the Department of Veteran Affairs to inter Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlane Tsarnaev in "her" plot in Arlington National Cemetery.

The request was promptly nixed by officials at Arlington, but even the thought that one of the most reviled terrorists in American history could be laid to rest in a field of honor among the nation's bravest warriors turned the stomach of many a veteran.

Stating that "the country would just have to get over" it's outrage at the thought of Tsarnaev's corpse polluting one of the nation's most hallowed spots, Julie Frein displayed an arrogance typical of ultra-liberals as the country slides towards destruction. Her lack of compassion for the bombing's victims and utter lack of respect for the final resting place of our greatest heroes are indicative of Liberal mental illness.

In this episode of The Truth Is Viral, we don't just say "NO!," to this insanity, but "Hell NO!"