Saturday, June 2, 2012

PPSimmons Carl Gallups:The Gog/Magog War Has Begun! Obama Supports al-Qaeda Terrorists

In this exclusive interview, Pastor Carl Gallups of the PPSimmons Youtube Ministry speaks with me about the imminent Gog/Magog War, Barack Obama's support of al-Qaeda terrorists in particular and his Muslim leanings in general. He also explains why the PPSimmons channel was taken down by Youtube; an act which shocked and angered many.

We also discuss his new Best Selling book, "The Magic Man in the Sky: Effectively defending the Christian Faith," in which Carl uses both Scripture AND science to irrefutably prove the existence of God. The book's first printing sold out before it was even shipped to stores; but it is now available on and at WND Books.

Finally, I reveal my plans for this Summer's Occupy Detroit protests; and I MIGHT just catch a fish!

Please remember to donate to TTiV if you care about getting the real story behind what is going on in the US. I need your help to send me to Detroit for the Occupy protests. Getting the most bang for the buck, as I'm wont to do, I would also be able to cover a few other stories while I'm there. Did you know, for example, that the suburb of Dearborn is home to one of the largest concentrations of mosques and Muslims in the US? Yeah...

Thank you,and God bless, Bobby

1 comment:

  1. And your entire American Zionist christian false doctrine comes from a mistaken idea that political "Israel" is Israel! NEVER! God's kingdom does not come with observation, but a nation bearing the FRUITS there of are the Children of God, the real Israel today! John 1:12. No DNA, no race, no the seed of Abraham was Jesus and Isaiah 53 "He will see HIS seed!" But all that Zionist false doctrine is what is leading this world into WW3, a false Armageddon before the real one after the return of Christ. I like you Powell, but deliver your self from American Scofield Zionist false Christianity. But of course it is hard to hear if you have been trained since you were a tiny tot! Kind greetings from Taiwan
