Anarchist At The RNC |
Amid reports of attempts to disrupt, and
even interfere with, the inauguration of Donald Trump, facts are hard to come
by. There really is a lot of fake news out there to wade through, but tonight
we are going to separate fact from fiction and I am going to show you exclusive
TTiV video and photographs of some of the people behind the planned unrest that
I took myself. I want you to see the kind of people we are going to be dealing
with for at least the next four years.
Then we are going to talk about the
traitors in our midst, specifically the FBI informants at the Bundy Ranch as
well as the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon where the Bundy family
was found not guilty for their part in the peaceful occupation of the refuge
last September. Many of the informants have been outed in trial testimony and
reports in both the mainstream and alternative media, but a federal judge in
Oregon has ordered that information taken down.
Turning to the inauguration and beyond, The Daily Caller reported today that “On the day of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration protesters are planning an anti-capitalist march, road blockades and disruptions to inauguration balls. The protests will likely include property destruction, a source with intimate knowledge of the protest plans told The Daily Caller Friday.”
Those of us who have been
watching the rise of these groups over the past year remember how the DNC and
John Podesta emails, leaked by Wikileaks along with gripping undercover video
published by James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, proved that George Soros had
donated almost a billion dollars to Black Lives Matter and other violent
terrorist groups, an amount that far exceeds the 25 Million that he had donated
to the spectacularly failed campaign of Hillary Clinton.
If Soros can’t buy a candidate he can control, his only option is to prevent the one he can’t control from assuming office, or from being able to govern effectively should his plans for Inauguration Day fail to prevent Donald Trump from assuming the Presidency.
“Navy Jack,” a writer for the Oathkeeper’s organization, has identified more George Soros financed groups planning to disrupt the inauguration. One particularly dangerous group calling itself “Refuse Fascism” published its action plan on the internet. According to them, now is the time to act.
“And this, the group writes, “must be done before this regime officially takes power, isolates and crushes opposition, and moves forcefully to implement its fascist program. The aim must be nothing less than to create such a profound political crisis before the intended inauguration (January 20, 2017) that the fascist regime is actually not able to take the reins of government.”
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Maj. Gen. Errol Schwartz |
One particularly disturbing development
about the inauguration has been published in the mainstream media. The Maj. Gen
Errol Schwartz, the commander of the District of Columbia’s National Guard
unit, was apparently fired by the Obama Administration effective the moment
that Donald Trump takes office.
Some mainstream media outlets have tried to pin the blame for his unprecedented ouster on Donald Trump. The only problem with that idea is that as of this moment, Donald Trump is not President and cannot order the Military to do anything until he actually becomes the Commander-in-Chief.
“My troops will be on the street,” said Schwartz in an interview with The Washington Post. “I’ll see them off, but I won’t be able to welcome them back to the armory.” He said he would “never plan to leave a mission in the middle of a battle.”
Under the best circumstances, the changing of a unit’s commanding officer is bound to cause a little confusion; but changing commanders while troops are in the field conducting operations is fraught with danger. I have no hard intelligence to prove this theory, but it is very possible that the Obama Administration tried to get Gen. Schwartz to do something that did not sit well with his conscience; perhaps something that was blatantly treasonous.
If you remember, during his term as President, Barack Obama has fired hundreds of flag and general officers because they refused to pass his Litmus test; whether or not they would fire on American citizens. One of the generals that Obama fired was 4-star Marine Corps general James Mattis, Donald Trump’s choice for the new Secretary of Defense. If I know James Mattis at all, and I think I do, right about now he’s looking for a little payback.
Some mainstream media outlets have tried to pin the blame for his unprecedented ouster on Donald Trump. The only problem with that idea is that as of this moment, Donald Trump is not President and cannot order the Military to do anything until he actually becomes the Commander-in-Chief.
“My troops will be on the street,” said Schwartz in an interview with The Washington Post. “I’ll see them off, but I won’t be able to welcome them back to the armory.” He said he would “never plan to leave a mission in the middle of a battle.”
Under the best circumstances, the changing of a unit’s commanding officer is bound to cause a little confusion; but changing commanders while troops are in the field conducting operations is fraught with danger. I have no hard intelligence to prove this theory, but it is very possible that the Obama Administration tried to get Gen. Schwartz to do something that did not sit well with his conscience; perhaps something that was blatantly treasonous.
If you remember, during his term as President, Barack Obama has fired hundreds of flag and general officers because they refused to pass his Litmus test; whether or not they would fire on American citizens. One of the generals that Obama fired was 4-star Marine Corps general James Mattis, Donald Trump’s choice for the new Secretary of Defense. If I know James Mattis at all, and I think I do, right about now he’s looking for a little payback.
Declared or not my friends, we are already
at war. Ephesians 6:12 states that, “we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness
of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
But folks, I’m here to tell you that this
war is being fought on multiple fronts, from freakshow Rosie O’Donnell’s call
for martial law to prevent Trump’s inauguration, to the mainstream media, which
is desperate to find dirt on Trump. Communist Hollywood celebrities are going
apeshit with butthurt on the internet and TV, and charges of #FakeNews flying are
around like fur in a cat fight.
The biggest #FakeNews story since the
election broke last week with allegations by CNN and the ultraleft blog
Buzzfeed that Donald Trump is being blackmailed by the Russians after hiring
Russian prostitutes to perform disgusting sexual acts involving urine on a bed
once slept in by Barack and Michelle Obama.
In this exclusive leaked video, CNN anchor
James Tapper is seen getting all worked up by the salacious charges:
OK, obviously that was a joke; but how can you not laugh at this latest, despicable attempt to delegitimize the presidency of Donald Trump?
What isn’t funny is that the story about
the Russian hookers, dubbed #GoldenShowersGate by Twitter, was passed on to the
FBI by none other than Arizona Senator John “Songbird” McCain, the same neocon
traitor that has been helping Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama arm ISIS terrorists in Syria.
When people blame, “the CIA,” or “the FBI,”
for plotting schemes, whether against Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, they don’t
realize that these agencies are not monolithic. At this very moment, patriotic
men and women all throughout the government – civil and military - are engaged
in a power struggle against those who have sold their souls to the globalists,
for the future of the country.
Even the LA Times has published reports
describing how Pentagon-backed rebels in Syria are engaged in combat with
rebels financed and trained by the CIA. The entire “Arab Spring” had very
little to do with freedom from Arab dictators. From Tunisia, to Egypt, to
Libya, and now Syria, the Obama administration has been supporting the Muslim
Brotherhood political, along with its ISIS and al-Qaeda military wings, as they
have overthrown one Arab leader after another. The ultimate goal of this
strategy is to surround Israel with radical Islamist regimes to prepare what
the Book of Ezekiel calls the “War of Gog and Magog.”
This strategy of destabilization was first revealed by the Luciferian Mason, Confederate General Albert Pike, in 1871. Pike, by the way, is the only Confederate General to be honored with a statue in Washington DC.
I trolled the Rev. Al Sharpton by challenging him to demand that the statue be taken down in the aftermath of the Charleston church massacre that led to the destruction and removal of Confederate memorials across the South, a movement led by Sharpton’s National Action Network. He never responded. Sharpton is also heavily bankrolled by George Soros.
Anyway, in his 1871 prophecy of World War III,
Gen. Pike wrote the following:
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.”
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.”
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Luciferian Mason Gen. Albert Pike |
“We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.”
“Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view."
“This manifestation will result from the
general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity
and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
Anarchist at the RNC |
“Brick by brick, wall by wall, we will make the system fall.” That’s what they were saying. Call me a literalist, but I have no reason to disbelieve that they are deadly serious. They are self-proclaimed enemies of the United States of America, and since I have sworn an oath to protect this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic, they are my enemies as well. And yours, I hope.
Investigative Reporter James O’Keefe from Project Veritas, the man who videotaped Democratic officials admitting that they were funding these groups to disrupt Trump rallies during the campaign, has just released a new bombshell video of several activists belonging to the group #DisruptJ20 planning to attack one of the inauguration balls with Butyric acid bombs.
I urge you to click the link to O’Keefe’s complete video below and share it far and wide.
O’Keefe said on Twitter that he had turned
the raw video tapes over to the Washington DC Police Department, the FBI, and
Homeland Security. I see a felony conspiracy being planned, a terrorist attack
upon innocent civilians, and it must not be allowed to take place. Every one of
them need to be arrested immediately.
I am not a prophet by any stretch of the
imagination, but folks it doesn’t take a prophet to see that we are indeed at
war, and unfortunately, we are at war with other Americans who are totally
devoid of reason, spoiled children that throw temper tantrums if they don’t get
their way, in addition to the demonic globalists that are bound and determined
to make Pike’s vision of WWIII come true.
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LaVoy Finicum - Murdered by OSP and FBI Snipers |
One has to look no further than the disgusting persecution of the Bundys for their actions at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and at their own home in Bunkerville Nevada.
The first set of defendants in Oregon including the Bundys, were acquitted by a jury of their peers, but more defendants are set to go on trial in Oregon in February.
Charges against my friend and fellow
journalist Peter T. Santilli were dropped the day before the trial began, but
he was held in custody to answer similar charges for the standoff at the Bundy
Ranch in 2014. That trial is scheduled to begin on February 6th, and
I intend to be there to cover it.
Before we get into the meat of this next segment of the treacherous informants embedded within the Patriot movement, I need to make an announcement.
Before we get into the meat of this next segment of the treacherous informants embedded within the Patriot movement, I need to make an announcement.
My dear friend and fellow broadcaster Peter
T. Santilli has been held in federal custody without bond since January 26th,
2016, the day that LaVoy Finicum was killed.
He has been in custody as a political prisoner for nearly an entire year, as have more than a dozen others. Even after the government dropped the charges against him in Oregon, Pete was not given the opportunity to post bail. He was transferred to rot in a federal detention facility in Pahrump Nevada. His requests for bail have all been denied.
This is a clear attempt by the government to intimidate other reporters who would dare broadcast anything that might get in the way of their agenda, and I am here to tell you that it will not succeed. The US government spent millions of dollars to turn Marines like me and Pete Santilli into the kind of men who will just not give up. Ever. Well now they are going to get their money’s worth.
I intend on covering the Bundy trial in Nevada when it begins on February 6th, and that is going to cost money that I do not have. I maxed out my credit and took out a $3,000 loan so that I could cover the trial in Oregon and the Sioux pipeline protest at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota last Fall that I’m still paying on, and the only way I will be able to go to Nevada is with your help.
If you believe in the rights of journalists to broadcast live news, if you believe in Pete Santilli, if you believe in the innocence of the Bundy’s – if you believe in me – then now is your time to step up and donate whatever you can afford towards this most important mission.
I stood up to an Assistant District
attorney in Florida who hidden exculpatory evidence that would have proven that
a boy he’d charged with attempted rape and attempted murder was actually
innocent, just to protect his reputation. By the time I was done reporting what I and
the defense team had uncovered ,the story had received national attention, the
boy was freed with the apologies of the court, and the prosecutor was fired and
eventually disbarred.
After the State of Michigan nullified the indefinite detention provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act, I stood up to my own Congressional Representative, Dr. Dan Benishek, because he continued to vote for the NDAA, which allows the US military to arrest any American citizen without a charge, hold them indefinitely without a trial, and even send them to foreign countries where they would undoubtedly be tortured.
He has been in custody as a political prisoner for nearly an entire year, as have more than a dozen others. Even after the government dropped the charges against him in Oregon, Pete was not given the opportunity to post bail. He was transferred to rot in a federal detention facility in Pahrump Nevada. His requests for bail have all been denied.
This is a clear attempt by the government to intimidate other reporters who would dare broadcast anything that might get in the way of their agenda, and I am here to tell you that it will not succeed. The US government spent millions of dollars to turn Marines like me and Pete Santilli into the kind of men who will just not give up. Ever. Well now they are going to get their money’s worth.
I intend on covering the Bundy trial in Nevada when it begins on February 6th, and that is going to cost money that I do not have. I maxed out my credit and took out a $3,000 loan so that I could cover the trial in Oregon and the Sioux pipeline protest at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota last Fall that I’m still paying on, and the only way I will be able to go to Nevada is with your help.
If you believe in the rights of journalists to broadcast live news, if you believe in Pete Santilli, if you believe in the innocence of the Bundy’s – if you believe in me – then now is your time to step up and donate whatever you can afford towards this most important mission.
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One of my trophies |
After the State of Michigan nullified the indefinite detention provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act, I stood up to my own Congressional Representative, Dr. Dan Benishek, because he continued to vote for the NDAA, which allows the US military to arrest any American citizen without a charge, hold them indefinitely without a trial, and even send them to foreign countries where they would undoubtedly be tortured.
I refused to take his silence as an answer, I even chased him to Washington DC when promised interviews never materialized. That fat bastard hid in his office rather than face my absolutely legitimate questions.
I think he finally got the message that I was not going to let it go, and a couple of weeks later, after three years of me badgering him, Congressman Benishek “abruptly resigned” his position in the middle of his reelection campaign. Detroit Free Press
More details on how I did it are contained in the video below.
All I need for get #OperationFreePete rolling
is a little help from dedicated Patriots like you. So if you have $5, $50, or
$500 that you can donate to the cause of freedom, now is the time when it is
needed most. If all you can afford is a single dollar, we need it. Even small
donations add up if there are enough of them.
All you need to do is hit the Paypal button on the right side of this page
to donate whatever won’t put you out. If you don’t
have a credit card or are leery of conducting financial transactions on the
internet, you can mail a check, money order, or cash to:
Bobby Powell
c/o The Truth Is Viral
PO Box 91
Bobby Powell
c/o The Truth Is Viral
PO Box 91
Alpena Mi,
49707God bless you for helping in whatever way you can, even if all you can do is share this information with others who may have the ability to contribute financially, or simply keep us all in your prayers.
Now, on to informants…
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FBI Informant Mark McConnell |
To which I replied:
A polite question deserves a polite reply. My motto, my mission, laugh if you must, is to "Save Lives and Win Souls for Jesus Christ." Some might think I don't act much like a Christian, they ask me "What would Jesus do?"
Well, I seem to remember that Christ once "fashioned a whip," indicating forethought, and then proceeded to flip over tables and beat the shit out of the moneychangers.
I blame the Marine Corps for my mouth.
Information is power, literally, the power to save lives, and the best way that I can help people is to make sure that they get the straight scoop in a country where the MSM lies on the daily, and agent provocateurs are employed against the People by the federal government, leading otherwise well-meaning Patriots into sketchy situations so they can vilify an entire movement.
Admitted FBI informant Terri Linnell told me, on the record in the video above, that the FBI was paying her to spy on Oathkeeper meetings. Oathkeepers! An organization mostly comprised of former military, current and retired law enforcement, firefighters, and other first-responders.
Don't you see how dangerous that is, to have spies in our midst? Read a history book sometime, look up the KGB, the Gestapo, and the East German Stasi. Nobody knew who to trust, they were fearful that anything they said might be reported back to the state, and they lived in fear.
I will not allow my children to grow up in a country where one branch of law enforcement spies on another, where people who still revere the Constitution and the rule of law are put in fear of their lives, or as in the case of LaVoy Finicum, lost their lives.
If, and I say again, IF, TSHTF, and we have to go into battle, don't you think it's a good idea to trust the man, or woman, on your left or right with your life? I do, and so does anyone who has ever taken an oath and served their country. I will not go into battle with anyone who has not proven their worth to me. I think asking for a name is a small step in that direction.
I'm doing you all a favor here, I'm trying to save your lives. I, and several others, have PROVEN that Mark McConnell cannot be trusted. He is a liar, a snitch, and a miserable excuse for a human being. As stated previously, associate with him at your own peril.
I first outed Mark McConnell the night that LaVoy Finicum was murdered (at 12:49) by the Oregon State Patrol and the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team at a “Deadman’s Roadblock” that violated policy for both agencies. I may not be a prophet, but after more than 30 years of gathering news I know a liar when I hear one. My assertions were proven when testimony during the first Oregon trial by an Oregon State Trooper revealed that McConnell was indeed an informant.
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Journalist Gary Hunt |
Since McConnell was exposed, journalist Gary Hunt has been hunting down and exposing other informants using trial transcripts, FBI “Confidential Human Source” reports, and other information that he obtained from discovery evidence that was provided to the defense.
In the past few days, 9th Circuit Judge Anna Brown has ordered Hunt, who lives in California, to remove his reports from the internet. He has refused, even doubling down by putting up .pdfs of his meticulously detailed research detailing what he knows about more than half a dozen informants up on his website for anyone to download.
If something should happen to Gary Hunt, or
the information that he posted on his website as a journalist protected by the
1st Amendment, I will repost it myself in defiance Judge Brown’s
unconstitutional order.
I have never seen the raw documentation that Hunt used to compile his reports, and at the moment I don’t want to as it might put me in violation of the judge’s order, unconstitutional as it is; but as a journalist I have a responsibility, and the right, to publish what I have seen. I may not have seen the raw data, but I can certainly report on the information I have seen already published on the internet by Gary Hunt.
I have never seen the raw documentation that Hunt used to compile his reports, and at the moment I don’t want to as it might put me in violation of the judge’s order, unconstitutional as it is; but as a journalist I have a responsibility, and the right, to publish what I have seen. I may not have seen the raw data, but I can certainly report on the information I have seen already published on the internet by Gary Hunt.
The genie is out of the bottle Judge Brown,
Pandoras box has been opened, and the horse is out of the barn. There is not a
thing on Earth that you can threaten me with, so I’d suggest that you, and the
rest of the federal government, back off of journalists before you end up like
former Assistant State Attorney Peter Neil and Congressman Dan Benishek: As a
trophy on my wall.
Finally, I’d like to thank a couple of good friends, and Godly Patriots.
When my wife died last year, The Truth Is Viral Contributing Editor Tim Brown really stepped up by sharing the work he publishes at his websites on TTiV. I’d like to take this opportunity to publicly thank him, and TTiV Religion Editor David Rice, for being such a blessing to me and our stated mission of “Saving Lives and Winning Souls for Jesus Christ.”
These two men are largely responsible for keeping TTiV’s Facebook page active while I was mourning the loss of the woman who had shared my life for almost 30 years, and I am extremely grateful.
Say a prayer for our Republic folks, for the Bundys, for Pete Santilli, the rest of the political prisoners in Oregon and Nevada, and for me.
Finally, I’d like to thank a couple of good friends, and Godly Patriots.
When my wife died last year, The Truth Is Viral Contributing Editor Tim Brown really stepped up by sharing the work he publishes at his websites on TTiV. I’d like to take this opportunity to publicly thank him, and TTiV Religion Editor David Rice, for being such a blessing to me and our stated mission of “Saving Lives and Winning Souls for Jesus Christ.”
These two men are largely responsible for keeping TTiV’s Facebook page active while I was mourning the loss of the woman who had shared my life for almost 30 years, and I am extremely grateful.
Say a prayer for our Republic folks, for the Bundys, for Pete Santilli, the rest of the political prisoners in Oregon and Nevada, and for me.
God bless and Semper Fi!
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