We have in our possession several emails and recorded phone calls from her BEGGING for her video to be included in the program so she could show her paperwork to the viewer, as well as screenshots of comments she made after the show had aired thanking us for helping her. It was only when her brother, and others familiar with her situation, started making comments under this video that I REFUSED to delete that WheepingWillow2 went totally bat-sh*t crazy.
We didn't even have to resort to "Fair Use," a doctrine that allows for the use of another person's material for the purposes of news reporting. Our use of her material clearly falls under that category, yet she would not extend the same courtesy to us that she demands of everyone else.
This is how she operates; she uses the law when it suits her, yet claims that it does not apply to her because she will not claim "that name." That is THE most ridiculous thing of which we have ever heard.
We're done with this drama. After she included Bobby, his wife, and children in a "Tort" lawsuit he decided that his family had suffered enough for his sense of accuracy, editorial integrity, and journalistic ethics and removed all of the videos on Youtube that mentioned her in any way. He did not have the time, nor the inclination, to let this soul-sucking vampire - who was so low that she blamed his wife's cancer on his refusal to do exactly what she said - steal one more moment of his time. Bobby signed for the legal service that WeepingWillow2 sent to TTiV's business address to a local lawyer who was amused at the filing (glad someone was having a good time.) He told Bobby not to worry about it, that WheepingWillow2 has no clue what she's doing. This was proven true when her lawsuit was dismissed for being "frivolous"
Bent on vengeance, WheepingWillow2 called the Alpena County Sheriff's Department in an attempt to get Bobby "SWATTED," a practice where a false claim is made to authorities making them think that an innocent person presents some type of threat. WheepingWillow2 accused Bobby of planning to kill her; a statement so ridiculous that we almost do not want to respond to it. Bobby did, however, meet with Terry King, the Alpena County Undersheriff, who assured him that the Sheriffs Department did not take her report seriously, that his activities as the Publisher of TTiV were completely lawful, even calling Bobby a "great Patriot."
For the record (and every conversation Bobby ever had with WheepingWillow2 and members of the Daviess County Sheriffs Department, including Daviess County Sheriff Keith Cain was recorded, every email saved, and many screenshots taken) Bobby and TTiV did nothing but try to help WheepingWillow2 remain in her home to live in peace. (Previous two paragraphs were added 9/15/15 to reflect Bobby's meeting with the Undersheriff.)
WheepingWillow2's home is scheduled to be sold on March 16th, and from what The Truth Is Viral has learned she has no intention of leaving it peacefully.
Bobby spoke with Sgt. Robert Taul of the Daviess County Sheriff's Department today, Friday the 13th 2015, and Sgt. Taul said that the Sheriff's Department was well aware that the extrication of this woman from her home will be problematic, but he assured TTiV that they would do whatever needed to be done to ensure WheepingWillow2's safety.
To be clear: Even though WheepingWillow2 (If I DARED type her real, legal name, it would undoubtedly unleash a new rash of privacy violation complaints through YT's automated system that I would be forced to defend, and I just don't have the time) has demonstrated severe mental instability and a propensity to stab those who try to help her in the back, we will continue to keep her in our prayers.
All we ever tried to do was help this woman, and for our reward we were betrayed, lied to and about, and made the victim of fraudulent copyright complaints that temporarily disabled our ability to broadcast live - a feature that would have come in very handy when we were in Washington DC last week for Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu's visit.
BOBBY SAYS: I have definitely learned a valuable lesson from this nightmare though: From now on I am going to do a LOT more research into the background of those who ask me for help. Had I watched more of her videos I would have realized that she has a pattern of threatening people who have tried to help her with lawsuits when they don't do exactly what she wants.
In my humble opinion, WheepingWillow2 is a scam artist who knows just enough of the law to be dangerous, to allow her to intimidate her victims with lawsuits; but not enough to actually win any of them.
A totally disabled, wheelchair-using, great-grandmother in Kentucky is fighting to remain in her home of 39 years after a bank has presented what she claims to be a forged document to a Daviess County judge claiming that she owes more than $48,000.
Owensboro resident Carol Roberts says that she has been targeted for victimization by her lender, and that all of her attempts to prove that the bank's sole document is a forgery - a document which reopened a case that had previously been dismissed because the bank failed to appear at several hearings - have been rebuffed by the judge.
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Sheriff Keith Cain |
Carol Roberts is all alone, she is scared, and she is stubborn. Disabled and living on a pittance of Social Security, she can not afford to hire a lawyer to help her navigate the complex machinations of the legal system. She has mounted a valiant defense on her own, but she really needs expert help.
Please watch this episode of TTIV and see if there is anything that you can do for Carol. If you are a para-legal or attorney licensed to practice in Kentucky then you are in particular need. Even if you can not help Carol yourself you may know someone who can; by simply sharing this video, it may land on the Facebook or Twitter feed of the person who will ultimately come to her aid.
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