Whatever happened tonight in Alpena Michigan was for real.
For those unfamiliar with Alpena, a quick primer: Alpena is a delightful little lakeside village situated on Lake Huron near the top of the Lower Peninsula. It is also home of the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center which boasts the largest air combat training facility of it's kind, and the longest runway east of the Mississippi.
In 2011 I investigated a large explosion that was centered at the ACRTC, an explosion that rocked hundreds of square miles of Northeastern Michigan, and by the time that investigation was over it included three commercial aircraft that went missing at the same time that a witness reported seeing US fighter jets engage a UFO over Lake Huron, Russian troops that I have seen with my own eyes, and connections to similar explosions felt in South Carolina and elsewhere around the country. You can read more and watch that episode, "UFO Flap Accompanies Russian Troops In Michigan; US Jet Engages UFO, 3 Aircraft Drop Off Radar," at http://bobpowell.blogspot.com/2013/09/ufo-flap-accompanies-russian-troops-in.html
To the best of my knowledge, they are not filming "Top Gun 2: The Ghost of Goose" here in Alpena (although they did film Die Hard 2 here because of the long runway, snow, and remoteness.) Also, it is important to note that National Guard training is done in the Summer; but most importantly, this type of training involving multi-million dollar supersonic war machines is held over a base, in designated combat boxes, or even out over Lake Huron. They are NEVER held right over people's homes in the center of town.
Something very similar took place here almost exactly two years ago, on January 10th 2011. The situation was similar to the one tonight, I heard a roaring noise and went outside with my camera. I checked with the ACRTC after that incident and found that there was no training going on that evening.
Here is the footage I shot two years ago:
I will call the ACRTC tomorrow and see what they have to say about tonight's festivities. I will also attempt to get the testimony of the two people who claim to have heard the sound of a mini-gun coming from one of the planes during the dogfight. I saw the planes chase each other all over the sky, but I can not say that I heard or saw them actually firing live ammunition on one another. As I said, this dogfight took place from one end of town to the other, so it is possible that I just did not hear it.
I can not say for sure what happened tonight, but with all of the high strangeness that has been going on in the skies above Alpena for the past several years I wanted to get this footage up as quickly as possible. It has not been enhanced in any way, and if anyone can pull a better image from this upload they are welcome to try.
Mostly blank footage, my Man.
ReplyDeleteWe have been hearing the same thing on the Outer Banks, NC.
ReplyDeleteHere 15 miles outside of Big Rapids we have been having low flying choppers and jets at night for the last 10 days or so I wasn't fast enough to get out to see them [ handicapped] but heard them very low, lower than usual training that flies over periodically at first thought the choppers were aero-med but not every night, and the jets usually fly over in the day on training flights. just a bit odd.
ReplyDeleteBobby My fiance and I were driving home from Petoskey last night from doctors appt. Appox around 7:30 pm we notice 2 bright lights the best way to describe them was looking like old time lanterns in pitch black. At first only 2 then there were 4. At first we thought "What kind of plane lights are those?" BUT at one point they looked like they were playing "Leap frog". It caught our attention so much we pulled to the side of the road. I tried to get my phone to take video...but then were gone. I know what I saw and so does my fiance. Thanks for letting me know I wasn't seeing things!
ReplyDeleteI saw the same thing, yesterday on Feb 25, 2014 in Holly, Mi. somewhere between 8:30 and 8:45 I would have to speculate. I went to the window and had a look. I saw two jets with flashing lights peridiocally, and low to the ground. They came from the north, and made their turn back to the north directly overhead my house here in Holly. Loud enough for my wife to come down and ask what that noise was.....weird!! what was that all about??
ReplyDeleteThat was no drill. It was loud sound barrier breaking thrusts and maneuvers, quick turns. Almost as if they were in search mode for another aircraft. When they began their return to the north, they were much slower, stable, and flying in tandem. Had I suspected or known of your post last night, I would have gone to the flightracker website and looked for any planes and their id in the area, or for a blocked radar blip to appear. Never have heard this at night, I have seen many daytime runs from selfridge, many military chopper convoys during the day in years past. NOTHING EVER AT NIGHT AND AS DRAMATIC IN URGENCY IT APPEARED. Anyone care to explain? Thanks
ReplyDeleteThis is a real account, not any B.S crap. I want an explainable reason from someone
Something's going down.The past few weeks, here in the northern rural portion of Jackson County Michigan, I've observed low flying Blackhawks and Chinooks following a southeast to due north flightpath. These sightings always occur late at night, usually between the hours of midnight to 2 AM. The other weird thing that's I've noticed lately is alot of unmarked semis driving along the back roads around my neighborhood in the early evening hours. No company logos on the cab or trailer, or any visible license plates and CDL numbers.
ReplyDeleteSo do I .....I was amazed at what I saw......Never Never seen anything like it..It was crazy and concerning.!
ReplyDeleteI've been hearing these sounds, almost daily, for months in Cheboygan County, MI in the middle of the night. Although,for the last two weeks, the sounds have occurred during the day. People in town are now starting to talk about them and commenting that they are flying too low. Personally, I haven't been able to see anything because its been so cloudy, but they sound like commercial airliners that are just taking off or landing. I've checked the closest airport and they don't have any night flights at all. There is a military base in Grayling, but I don't know if they have aircraft there. I'm curious as to what they are doing.
ReplyDeletehey bobby , I live down in P.H. I listened to Cleveland center hand off #2 "a" flights shots from Toledo to that area. there wasn't anything at selfridge angb ,I have quite a listening post, and the was limited civilian air traffic, nothing from Chicago to Toronto . the low pressure front was gone and ceiling was 9.400 ft
ReplyDeleteI used to live right next to the air base there when I was a little kid I remember hearing and watching jets dog fight and occasionally they would even break the sound barrier. I've also seen stealth bombers flying over. This is nothing unusual
ReplyDeleteYou are a moron.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to learn more about the air activity in your area. Other than the engine sounds from the planes, do you have any other video or info on the event(s)? What was it about the Russian forces you were referencing? I didn't quite catch all of that.
ReplyDeleteI live in Ossineke, MI and in Black River. Black River is approximately 20 miles south of Alpena. I was working a double on Tuesday and I was out for a cigarette between 7:30-7:45 pm. As I was smoking I heard a rumbling above. I look up and see three jets (and I say Military jets because I have heard them for years living in this area) headed in three different directions. One headed west toward Lake Huron, one headed south, and the last ones path was Alpena's direction. Now for the 19 years I've lived here I've never seen jets fly like this. 1. It was too late for them to be flying; they are usually flying around 12-3. And 2. They always stay in a pack and fly back to the base/airport in Alpena. I'm not saying this is true, however, it is quite peculiar.
ReplyDeleteI just noticed something a bit strange in this video. None of the aircraft flying overhead with afterburners engaged have any of the red and green wing tip anti collision flashers you would normally see during night time flights. Something tells me this was not a training exercise.
ReplyDeleteThe "Russians" were probably Dutch airmen who were training here at the time. There occasionally foreign units that train here, no big deal. I believe it was one of the Dutch F-16s that hit the landing lights on M-32 a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteBeing a former USAF Non-Com they are using A-10A Fighters from the 667. They have been running low level tactics all over the state. Some maneuvers have been taking place at night sometimes in the early hours over the lakes, and farm areas. Some have even been going super-sonic at times. Someone told me that they even have a Mig-29 to play there games with. That may be the sound that some have heard when a Mig breaks the sound barrier can sound like a Heavy Gatt going off. Just keep watching. It might get very interesting soon.
ReplyDeleteThe published spec for the A10's top speed is mach 0.56. Unless the unpublished spec is way beyond this, I doubt it was A10s going supersonic.
ReplyDeleteObama is not African or a negro he is an Arab. Look at him and it is obvious. He is a Muslim and member of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is our enemy and all those he surrounds himself with are the enemies of the United States of America. There will be a bloody and long war and it is coming soon. But remember Obama is merely an expendable puppet who will be executed when his purpose is served most likely by Valerie Jarrett on orders from her boss. Do not be fooled, this man is dangerous but he is only the outward canker of cancer destroying our country. Prepare in every way you can for what is coming soon.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this proxy war going down in the Ukraine has something to do with it....Russia has done several jet fly bys elsewhere in the world with Us and allie ships, etc..
ReplyDeleteor..USA jets are engaging in UFO aircraft such as the several different live, real video footages have captured? The drama builds..lol....either way, I don't trust anything the USSA is involved in anymore. Don't know who to trust, the government is corrupt, and Im pretty sure about 90% of othr Americans will agree with me on that one, which is so..so...so sad! Revolution is coming I'm afraid, the line of Demarcations are being laid in Maryland with the gun grab going down. 90 days, it will be the event that wakes Americans up, and take the country back into the direction that it came from and was founded on! God bless ya'll!
Fighter jets, not training...that was a live event, something was up, and they were engaged, no drills made public in the area on that area at that time from selfridge at least.
ReplyDeleteWatch these two videos and you'll be caught up to date with the strangeness going on at the ACRTC. There is a bit of duplication in the two shows, but not much. I have also included radar tracks from Flightradar24.com that show 3 aircraft go missing from radar at the same time a UFO was reportedly engaged by US fighter jets just hours after that explosion on June 6 2012.
Not over town Tom, not over town. Those flares were being launched right over Big Lots, Kmart, and Neimans. The Air Force training area - R4207 - is 20 miles out to sea over Lake Huron. There are two other MOA's in N.E. Mi, but neither of them extend within the city limits.
ReplyDeleteWhy? Basic safety rules for one. What do you think would happen to someone's house if a half-burned magnesium flare dropped onto their roof? And that is just one of half-a-dozen regs those pilots busted that night.
Check this video out and tell me if those were the lights you were seeing. I have three "UFO" videos i this episode, all taken above the Alpena airport. I'm talking about the one I took myself. I do say in that video which one it was. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NWf0ppUaEB0
ReplyDeleteThat is true; BUT, it does prove that they were there over town - where they are not allowed to "train," dropping flares where they are not allowed to drop flares - for at least 10 minutes. I was hoping someone more talented at it might be able to pull more images out of the video but nobody ever did. I tried to do it myself but I was unable to define anything more that what the original video showed.
ReplyDeleteThe "night shot" from the other camera didn't help because it isn't a true night vision camera. It just has a little IR bulb in the front to help out there. Anything more than 5 feet away is still going to be black. You wouldn't happen to have an extra $30,000 I can borrow to buy a real night vision camera do you? ;) LOL
Again, nothing unusual, they've been doing it for years over town. I live near BIg Lots and work downtown. Day and night. Nothing to have a cow over.
ReplyDeleteThe explosion was a "oops" at LaFarge.
ReplyDeleteAn obvious psy war operative.can't even spell psychiatrist right.what a low level moron..Even uses a psyops logo
ReplyDeleteAnd you had the nerve to accuse Bobby of defamation.Where's your proof?Bobby's proof is solid and you provide none.Nada.You are the definition of a douchebag.
ReplyDeleteOAS, Operation American Spring, is a deceptive play off the concept of Arab Spring. Arab Spring crossed religious and political sub-group boundaries successfully. OAS is hard right and partisan in all respects and organized top-down to facilitate easy shadow government control by its handlers. Actions speak louder than words.
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be considerable evidence that OAS founder, Col. Harry G. Riley, (Ret.) a former NSA trained operative, is attempting to conduct a large, disruptive gathering at the Capital Mall starting May 16, 2014. That's the stated OAS goal -- bring Washington to a stop. Col. Riley in my opinion, is predictable and serves as a NSA/CIA water carrier to help create the next big False Flag domestic opportunity under plausible deniability. He pushes nothing but chaos under the guise of "patriotism."
READ MORE>>>> http://tinyurl.com/kvsqr9f
it might be too late...how do we the people fight back this evil obamanos? We have no authority, no military, etc.? How does one fight except with God on our side of 'do what is the right thing'? 2 Chronicles 7:14
ReplyDeleteHi Bobby, since I heard about the spring march, I was on fire to go, except for one problem, I live on disability and get no help and can't afford it. Since then, I have been into deep thought and prayer and recieved a warning? A warning not to go no matter how badly I wanted to. It was to be a show of strength, but what I got was a show of devastation. I pray everyone who goes is kept safe. I hope this vision is wrong and nothing happens. If this is wrong, it will make me happy, knowing everyone will be OK.
ReplyDeleteThere was a guy at a Drone display last year, I think in Arizona. He had a program on his laptop that blocked the signal of drones and even disabled a RC toy brought by one of the tv networks,He said it could block wifi and microwave signals, depending on the setting no matter how big the craft.. I've searched but can't find anything after that report. Maybe they got to him.We need that technology. Where are the scientists and geeks who are on our side?
ReplyDeletemost all of the washingturds need be arrested for treason even most repukinits to many rinos just braeks my heart to see the abominations in office
ReplyDeleteBarbara is right. We can't "impeach" anyone. We have no military of our own to fight back. Prayer is your strongest weapon, but to use it you must believe God listens and helps those in need.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Helena Hrms from USA. I am here to give testimony on how I got my husband back, my husband left me for no reason 3 years ago. He moved in with another woman, I felt like killing myself, my life became very bitter and sorrowful. Then 1 day, a friend of mine told me about a great spell caster that is very good and she said that he told her all about her life history and the problem she is facing, i didn't believe it because I've worked with so many of them and it didn't work. She begged me further so I decided to try this great spell caster called DR. UDUKA. I still didn't believe, but inside me i wanted to give a try and as God will have it, i used the spell solution he gave me and the next day I received a call from my darling husband Thomas last month. He apologized and came back to me. He even gave me 10,000 USD as a means of compensating me. I'm very happy now with my family it worked for me and i believe it will work for you too just give him a try and follow up this is a clear truth from a testifier. Thank you DR. UDUKA once again, if you want to reach him
via email:( drsammyantispell@gmail.com) or call +2348169207857
He can solve any problem like,
(1) If you want your ex back.
(2) you need a divorce in your relationship.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women & men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
6) You want to be rich.
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(9) He can make you pregnancy.
Valelley was never accepted by our tea party as we knew he is ex-CIA working with and for the enemy. He and his friend, the one in the shadows whose name escapes me for now, both worked with CIA. Glad people did not fall for this... which was an attempt at causing turmoil in light of the failed Occupy movement, also an astro turf managed revolution by OTPOR
ReplyDelete^^^^ Duped
ReplyDeleteHello every body in the world I have great joy in my heart as I'm writing this testimony about the great
ReplyDeleteman called Dr.savior When my lover left me, I thought i will not be able to
get him back after all he has put me through, but I am so happy that after
the interference of Dr.savior I was able to get my lover back within 48
hours. And I can proudly say that who ever need help in getting his/her lover
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