On September 30th 2011, Barack Obama assumed the mantle and title of Tyrant when he ordered the deaths of American citizens Anwar al-Alawki and Samir Kahn. Both men were born in the United States, a claim that can not be made by Barack Obama. Despite having had them under surveillance for 8 weeks during which time Navy SEALS or Marine Corps Force Recon could have extracted them (from the "friendly" country of Yemen) and returned them to the US for trial - Snake-eaters live for that kind of mission - Obama simply waived his hand and ordered their deaths with no Congressional oversight or Judicial review whatsoever.
If alleged 9/11 mastermind Kahlid Sheik Mohammed can be arrested in Pakistan and returned for trial in the US, why did the US not even attempt to arrest al-Alawki and Khan? Probably because al-Alawki was a CIA asset who would have greatly embarrassed the US had he spoken in court; but that is beside the point.

Al-Alawki and Kahn were never charged with a crime, not even in a secret FISA court; nor was al-Alawki's 16-year-old son Abdulrahman who was murdered in a separate drone strike two weeks later. The only justification for the extra-judicial killings of these three American citizens given by the Obama regime has been deemed "Top Secret." Even the process for determining their guilt has been classified, but it boils down to one man with a pen - a proven liar diagnosed as a Malignant Narcissist - sitting in a room claiming the ultimate power; the power of life and death.
No one man should have that power.
On this episode of The Truth Is Viral, Publisher Bobby Powell speaks to Chief Mark Kessler about this travesty and the tendency of the Obama administration to ignore the Constitution and the protections it provides to average Americans when it becomes inconvenient. What else might one expect from a disbarred lawyer like Obama, a Marxist/Muslim radical who admits he has an agenda to radically transform the United States of America?
This is also a highly personal episode as Bobby updates viewers about his wife DeLynn's courageous fight against Colo-rectal and Liver Cancer and the future of The Truth Is Viral.
In this excerpt from a 40 minute interview with ACLU lawyer Nate Wessler, a member of their "Targeted Assassinations" team, he does the unthinkable. He calls Barack Obama "Judge, Jury, and Executioner." Even the normally ultra-liberal ACLU now sees what a danger Barack Obama is to the concept of lawful, Constitutional government.
This next video is called "A New Declaration; Impeach Obama Now." It was a pretty good list of Obama's Impeachable offenses a year ago, ironically very similar to the crimes of King George just before the American Revolution, offenses that he has only added to in the months since this episode aired.
ReplyDeleteBob. Thanks for your efforts. Go to web site www.Phoenixtears.ca to find a cure that's a CURE for your wife's cancer. Not chemotherapy. But a very mild cure. It takes approx 2 months. But the benefit begins within a week when the medicine turns off the cancer the following weeks are to reset the cells in her body to healthy cells.
ReplyDeleteHello every body, i am here to testifies on how DR
ReplyDeleteARIBA help me to cure my sickness called CANCER OF THE LUNGS which has been
eating me up for 2years and 4months, and when I go online I saw his email on
how he cured so many people, so I emailed the Dr and tell my problems to him,
and tell all his necessary needy for the healing, after that day he gave me an
assurance of 4days of his herbal healing, and said I should go for a medical
check up on the 5th day of which I get to the hospital the new result now shows
that the cancer was gone you can contact me on milliamsjohn@mail.com to
confirm. And now am so happy and free from it thanks to DR ARIBA. Please if
there is any one in need of his help should kindly contact him on
dr.aribaspelltemple@outlook.com OR call +2348163979933
ReplyDeleteis another Testimony on how Dr Ariba cured My Lung cancer Disease Do you need
cure to your HIV disease? Do you want to be cure from your cancer disease? Or
you want to be free from any type of disease you have kindly contact Dr. Ariba
on dr.aribaspelltemple@outlook.com
or call his mobile phone on +2348163979933, he just cured my HIV disease and
I’m very grateful to him, he is the only herbalist that can cure you. Or you
can contact me on milliamsjohn@gmail.com so that I can put you
through on how he did it. Thank you all for reading, God bless"
Hello every body, i am here to testifies on how prophet
ReplyDeleteAwase help me to cure my sickness called CANCER
OF THE LUNGS which has been eating me up for
2years and 4months, and when I go online I saw his
email on how he cured so many people, so I
emailed the prophet and tell my problems to him, and
tell all his necessary needy for the healing, after
that day he gave me an assurance of 4days of his
herbal healing, and said I should go for a medical
check up on the 5th day of which I get to the
hospital the new result now shows that the cancer
was gone you can contact me on Vincent_omo@hotmail.com to confirm. And now am
so happy and free
from it thanks to DR AWASE. Please if there is any
one in need of his help should kindly contact him on:
prophet.awasetemple@gmail.com OR call
Hello readers all
ReplyDeleteover , I want to testify of what Dr OBOH has done for me. i was having a very notorious and
serious sickness called HIV i contacted these infection from my ex husband and i
lost hope i never believed i was going to be cured until i meet this great man
called Dr OBOH who God had sent to help me cure my sickness . just a few moment
with this great man he cured my infection i want you to know that all hope is
not lost until everything is done if you also have these following infections
contact this email drobohspellworks@outlook.com
Typhoid fever
Gonorrhea lancer fever.
Lung cancer.
and also these man can also help you in giving you a very good help just give
him a try and your problems will be solved just a contact with him .once again
here is his email drobohspellworks@outlook.com
All thanks to DR OBOH Regard.
Hello friends, I’m from Austria I want to tell the whole world about the good deeds DR.ARIBA did for me, I was diagnosed of a cancer disease (liver cancer), I was told by my family doctor, that I have only 8 months to live on planet earth, I was so depressed, I was thinking about my family, I don’t want to leave them behind, I will ARIBA curing HIV/AIDS in that case he can also cure your cancer disease, I never believe in spell, I collected his email from him, then I contacted him via email, he told me not to bother myself, that everything will be alright, I believed him, due to the way he said it. He asked me to purchase some items, which I did, he casted the spell and tell me that am free from the bondage, he also asked me to go for checkup, the CANCER disappeared from my body totally, I am forever in debt to him, I owe you a lot Doctor. If you have any deadly disease like HIV/AIDS, ALL TYPES OF CANCER, GONORRHEA, SYPHILIS, and ANEMIA any disease you can think off. Kindly email him now on dr.aribaspelltemple@outlook.com
ReplyDeleteI have a facebook group devoted to providing the cannabis cure for very cheap and I give it for free to hundreds of people. search facebook for "We have cannabis oil"
ReplyDeleteDo you know that there is a great Herbal doctor who can cure any deadly disease. Like Cancer, Hiv, syphilis, madness, low spam count e.t.c. Well my main reason why i am writing this right now is to inform the whole world about the great deeds, Dr. Ariba did for me. I was diagnosed of this deadly disease in the year 2000 ever since then i was taking my medications, until i met the great spell caster, though i never believed in spell. I saw many testimonies on how a great spell caster cured their deadly diseases. I contacted him through his phone number. I called him, he asked me to send him my email, which i did. He gave me a form to fill, I filled it and send it back to him. He told me that his god's required some items in which he will use in casting a curing spell on me. I don't know where to find the items he required. He told me that the only alternative is for of to send him the money, then he can help me to purchase the items from the items sellers. I promised myself to do anything to get cured. I sent him the money. He bought the items and casted a curing spell on me. Two day later he asked me to go for check-up, when i did the check-up i was tested HIV Negative. If you passing through hardship and you need a way out, kindly contact him via his email on dr.aribaspelltemple@outlook.com or call his number on +2348163979933
ReplyDeleteHello every body, i am here to testifies on how DR ARIBA help me to cure my sickness called CANCER OF THE LUNGS which has been eating me up for 2years and 4months, and when I go online I saw his email on how he cured so many people, so I emailed the Dr and tell my problems to him, and tell all his necessary needy for the healing, after that day he gave me an assurance of 4days of his herbal healing, and said I should go for a medical check up on the 5th day of which I get to the hospital the new result now shows that the cancer was gone you can contact me on cuteloganhanderson1@gmail.com to confirm. And now am so happy and free from it thanks to DR ARIBA. Please if there is any one in need of his help should kindly contact him on dr.aribaspelltemple@outlook.com OR call +2348163979933
ReplyDeleteEducate yourself, my brother
Game Over: David COHEN POSEL (Occupy Corporatism – US Independent) Exposed as “Global Depopulation Policy” Pawn
ReplyDeleteBe careful here. Nobody that can provide you with cannabis or hemp oil or
advice you on how to get any other cancer treatment therapy here. They are all
scams. Real scams. Unfortunately i was a victim and they took away all my
money. Any advice or suggestion from any of them, you must ignore. If not for
the help a very good friend of my who later directed me to a very genuine
source where he got cannabis oil that cured his mothers cancer, i would have
been dead by now. I won't provide all his contact information for fear of
impersonation by this heartless scams. I can only provide his email and phone
number. His email is and phone number is(drobohspellworks @outlook.com).
phone#: +234-815-9550-624. I will advice that you Contact him directly and free
yourself from all these scams who are trying to take advantage of peoples predicament.
I am also a victim of Vinny and Susane hitpices. See the videos on my channel. I will be sending you an emails shortly! Here is the email I am sending them!
ReplyDeleteOh look not only do you love gays you love sending child porn to people the news is saying.....
Forget the long rant. You are toast. As you can see I've now got legal documentary proof Kultus Negrand's imaginary Australian federal police friends deceived the paranoid delusional queer lover, OR you are co-intel-pro being used by the government who feed you false information.
Of course I backed up your video Stephen, so if you take it offline you are only going to wear it more ;) Just like Vinny did if you saw my channel.
This is my comment to ONE OF VINNY'S FORMER GUESTS WHO ALREADY LIKED MY LATEST draft video. I'm going into video production instead of blogging to wake up the masses. It's going to be fun. That was a 3 hour rush job. I wonder what I can do with Lives and a few other tools ;)
Expect your own video soon explicitly assfucking you for being co-intel-pro and I'm sure Peter Santilli will be using it seeing Susanne Poselle loves using fabricated shit made from her "Anonymous" sources, that even Vinny last month were saying were CO-INTEL-PRO. Hahaha.
Susanne Poselle promised me back on the show if I could prove the "documentary proof" given to her from Kultus and Stephen I was not wanted for arrest (she could never give me hahaha) was wrong. I'll be playing that quote in a future video destroying you cunts.
The counter-hit-piece video is coming soon. Suffer on your jocks boys or beg for mercy. I might accommodate you - only on air. If you can't see how fucked you are now, then I guess you very self-deluded. Maybe that was the root cause of your fabrications?
Luke McKee1 second ago
Thanks for liking my video. Vinny Eastwood is a funny guy but he hangs out with the wrong crowd and he's done some things to piss me off BIG TIME. See the description of the appropriate videos on my channel. A document you already saw in the video I released yesterday proves his communist scum mate Susanne Posell lined up a hit-piece against me where here name and invovlement was mentioned on Cancel the Cabal with Stephen Roberts and Kultus Negrand (with the fake AFP friends) which has been totally debunked. What's worse is they claimed to be working with corrupt police breaking commonwealth privacy laws as their sources. If their sources were real they were acting on false information from the government. And they call themselves part of the truth movement? I think I just proved them to be Fabricators OR Co-Intel-Pro operatives. You must pick either or, due to the level of debunking I did. Their hit piece video is still online and if it goes offline I'll rehost it just to screw them!
This is so great am alive to testify the good work of hemp oil and its miracle healing.
ReplyDeleteIn April 10th 2012 i was diagnosed of breast cancer and bone cancer when the doctor told me it was already too late for me, that i have only ten months on earth to live. I shared tears and all hope was gone thinking that i will just sleep and go just like that.
My mom came to visit me in Serbia two months later and bought me some hemp oil product saying that it works well on cancer, ever since she told me about the benefits and encourage me to use the medication. I have been on treatment for the past 4 months now which was the required treatment plan for me.
Last week, I went to hospital to do my test and to God be the glory my cancer was not found there anymore. I have been cured with Rick Simpson hemp oil which my mother had bought for me.
My family in forever grateful to Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil.
Last week my mom gave me his email and phone number which i contacted him in person and thank him for the life saving. Below information.