Friday, December 6, 2013

Pete Santilli Framed! Criminal Conspiracy By Rivals Vinnie Eastwood And Susan Posel Exposed

I have a message for Anonymous: You’ve been had. A 4-Chan script kiddie falsified evidence against talk show host Pete Santilli, and together with talk show host Vinnie Eastwood and his sidekick Susan Posel of Occupy Corporatism, they claimed this evidence proved that Santilli was an informant for the FBI in order to fool you into attacking his network.

In this episode of The Truth Is Viral, I lay out the timeline of events that led to Pete Santilli being accused of stealing $500,000 from the Trucker’s Ride for the Constitution by rival talk show host Vinnie Eastwood, showing you how Eastwood and Susan Posel of Occupy conspired with Evan Koser to create this lie about Santilli. I’m going to show you screenshots of their conversations and video chats so that you can identify these lying scum, and I’m going to tell you exactly why they did it.

I hate having to waste my time talking about other talk show hosts. Usually there are far more important things to do than talk about someone else’s flawed opinion. But occasionally, some people make claims that do real damage to the lives of real people like the Justin Tribble/Dr. Bill Weld hoax that I just exposed.

The Truth is under attack as well. This show, The Truth Is Viral, is going to be linking up with Pete Santilli’s Guerrilla Media Network and I need to address this issue before I do it because this slanderous accusation could reflect upon my credibility as well. I will not allow that to happen.

First off, I do not agree with Pete Santilli on everything. I admit that I haven’t done the research on Dr. Judy Wood’s theory that the Twin Towers were vaporized by some kind of advanced weaponry. I’m more a controlled demolition kind of guy; but we both agree that criminal elements of the government were responsible.

Adam Kokesh is also a host on the Guerilla Media Network and anyone who knows anything about me knows that Adam Kokesh and I have very little in common.

One thing that we all have in common though, is our love of freedom. We may have slightly differing ideas of what that word means, or how best to go about ensuring that freedom for our children, but we all see how the citizens of the United States are no longer free. Our Constitutional Republic has been replaced by a Tyranny where one man can order the murder of an American citizen without ever charging him with a crime in a court of law, or order the arrest and enslavement of Americans by Executive Order.

There are some people who don’t like that there are those of us who will stand up and fight back. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I don’t think my show is particularly offensive, yet I’ve been the target of hundreds of death threats, some of them have even been directed at my wife and children. If you want to know why I wear a gun when I’m cooking pancakes, that’s why. If anyone thinks they are going to harm my family, they are going to have to go through me to do it.

Then there are others who are simply butthurt. I experienced a bit of that this past week myself when I scooped some Youtube user who had been attempting to expose Justin Tribble for months. It took me two conversations with Justin to get him to come clean, so yeah, this guy that had done all of this work was scooped by someone with a lot more experience and he’s been bitching about it ever since.

Pete Santilli and Susannah Cole have also been the victims of butthurt lately. A bit of background might come in helpful here.

Susan Posel and radio host Vinnie Eastwood used to work with Pete Santilli. From what I understand, when Vinnie and Pete parted company and Pete started using the name Guerilla Media Network, Vinnie said that he was the one who originally came up with the concept. I wasn’t there, so I don’t know what was said and what wasn’t. It’s really a he said/he said kind of thing. I would think though, that if Vinnie Eastwood had a legitimate claim then he would take the appropriate legal action to reclaim it instead of going on a campaign of bad-mouthing Pete Santilli.

Susan Posel also used to work with Pete. She was deeply embedded for almost one year with The Pete Santilli Show in 2012; but in November 2012, she asked Pete Santilli NOT to cover Dr. Judy Wood's forensic investigation so much.  That it was driving people away.  Pete told her flat out never to tell him what, or what not to cover.  Approximately 1-2 weeks later she abruptly departed The Pete Santilli Show.

Well this started all kinds of butthurt over at American Freedom Radio where Posel, James Fetzer, Gordon Duff and Danny Romero worked to get Pete's show removed from AFR.  When I first found out that Gordon Duff was aligned against Pete then I was pretty sure I was on the right side.
Duff is one of the Senior Editors at Veteran’s Today, and he is absolutely a shill for the Islamic Republic of Iran. If you ever read an article originating at Veteran’s Today, you can bank on it being Anti-American.

Now I may not like a lot of the things that my government is doing, but I love this country and I would never sell out to the enemy like Duff has just so I could bad mouth the United States and line my pockets with blood money.

Anyway, now you know the source of the bad feelings toward Pete Santilli and the Guerilla Media Network – Disgruntled employees.

Now let’s get to the point of this segment of The Truth Is Viral. At the tail-end of the Trucker’s Ride for the Constitution – an event that Susan Posel had been trashing since its inception – Vinnie Eastwood got a call in to his radio show from a woman who had been running the Trucker’s Twitter account; but had just been fired from that position. This woman’s name was Dena Fleming. Another disgruntled employee.

Vinnie Eastwood brought Ms. Dena Fleming on to his program to talk about her Tweet asking “Where’s the money Pete?” in reference to funds that had been donated to the truckers. From the very beginning of the interview Ms. Fleming says over and over "I don't know about the money" and "that’s what I'd like to know, I'm just asking, where the money went."

Never at any point did she even actually accuse Pete Santilli of stealing any donations. To this very day, nobody has accused Pete of stealing any money except for Vinnie Eastwood and Susan Posel, who had absolutely nothing to do with the Trucker’s Ride other than to verbally trash it from the outside.

But there’s something about people that I’m going to start calling “Butthurtalists.” Even though they fail time and time again, they keep on harping on minutia that doesn’t matter and points that they’ve been proven wrong on repeatedly – as if saying it often enough will make it true. And when outright lying about their target doesn’t work, what they do is manufacture evidence to bolster their claims.

And here is where Anonymous really needs to start paying attention, because I am about to prove that Vinnie Eastwood, Susan Posel, and a wannabe hacker who goes by the name of Evan Koser, photoshopped a fax that Pete Santilli was supposed to have sent to his FBI handlers asking why he had been left twisting in the wind. They did this in order to fool Anonymous into thinking that Pete Santilli was an FBI informant, hoping that they would attack the Guerilla Media Network servers – which is exactly what they did.

For weeks, the launch of MY show, The Truth Is Viral, was delayed because Pete was busy dealing with DDOS attacks that shut down his chat room and overloaded his servers. It got to the point where Pete and Susannah were having to record the show the night before so that they could broadcast somewhat uninterrupted. And all this was done because of the lies and evidence fabricated by Eastwood, Posel, and Koser.

The seeds of the plot were hatched on October 12th when Koser contacted Vinnie Eastwood via Twitter and invited him to a hacker’s forum on the 4-Chan internet board. Eastwood accepted the invitation and gave Koser his Skype name so that they could hook up.

The next time we see these guys, it is in a hacker chat room on 4-Chan where they are actively and openly planning their frame job of Pete Santilli. They are calling it “Operation Skullfuck.” Fortunately for Pete, there was a real Patriot in the chat room at the time who took hundreds of screenshots that show the plan unfold from beginning to end, even showing the desktop of one of the hackers while they are inside one of Pete’s servers!

The culmination of this plan was realized when the hackers broke into Pete’s E-Fax account on October 28th where someone created a fake fax from Pete Santilli to the FBI field office in Sacramento that stated Pete’s cover in “Operation Outtruck” was about to be blown. How do I know that this fax was faked? Well that’s easy: There are two different versions of it.
The first version appeared in the 4-Chan chat room. The time stamp on it says that it was sent to the FBI at 19:44 GMT. The only problem with that is that Pete tells me that his faxes have always shown a Pacific Standard Time stamp. OK, well that’s just what Pete says – hardly proof of anything.

But here’s the important part. When Susan Posel posted an image that was purportedly the same fax, it not only looked different with blue smudges all over the image that made it look like an old Xerox copy that had been crumpled up, thrown away, and later retrieved and ironed out. That is something that you should not see from a fax that had never been in anything but an electronic format.

Now here is the kicker: It had a different time stamp. The image that Posel posted to go along with her article accusing Pete Santilli of being an FBI informant had a time stamp of 21:31 GMT. Remember that the image that was captured on screenshot in the 4-Chan chat room had a time stamp of 19:44.

While not proof of anything in itself, it is interesting to note that Susan Posel’s servers are in England
It is very important to note here that BOTH of these images were offered as proof of Santilli being an FBI informant by Eastwood and Posel. So if this was a legitimate fax, why would anyone change the time stamp? They wouldn’t.

But now that they had this image, Koser, Posel, and Eastwood approached the real hackers of Anonymous on the /b/ board who, not ones to let douchebaggery go unnoticed or addressed, launched the attacks on Santilli’s servers totally unaware that they had been duped. At some point however, the attacks abruptly stopped for no apparent reason. If I had to take an educated guess as to why, it would be that Anonymous discovered this discrepancy themselves and called off the attack.

One thing is for sure though: Nothing that Pete Santilli has been accused of since the beginning of the Trucker’s Ride for the Constitution has been proven to be true, not by a long shot. Vinnie Eastwood took a Tweet from a fired Ride worker ASKING where the money went – not accusing, asking – and wrote a libelous headline that STATED that Pete Santilli stole the money. Not only did all 12 of Vinnie Eastwood’s listeners believe him, his show got a temporary boost in ratings from people who wanted to know where there money went. And to listen to Vinnie Eastwood, Pete Santilli and Susannah Cole are the Antichrist and the Whore of Babylon.

Well I’m here to tell you that in the year that I have known Pete Santilli he has never lied to me once. If he did, we would not be associated now. Despite the fact that we disagree on a few subjects, Pete has always been very gracious in allowing me to express my opinion on his show. And now he is allowing me to bring The Truth Is Viral to the Guerilla Media Network. So, do I owe him? Yes, I do. But not so much that I would lie for him.

The first few episodes of The Truth Is Viral were hosted at a site called Abovetopsecret. I had just started getting serious with what had been a hobby designed to retrain my brain when I came to the attention of the Three Amigos at ATS and they asked me to produce the show for them. Well that went great for a while, and I was poised to start making some real money. One video on Obama’s illegal intervention in Libya earned me over a thousand dollars and I was really looking forward to getting back to work.

It wasn’t long however before the management at ATS started thinking that they could tell me what to do, what I could put in my show and how long it could be. They didn’t seem to grasp the fact that real investigative journalism can’t be packaged in 5 minute segments. I’ve always prided myself on going into as much detail as I can, explaining a story so thoroughly that it can’t possibly be debunked, and to my mind that is one of the things that have made the show the success that it is.

I successfully resisted their efforts to change the editorial content of my program until I conducted an interview with Malik al-Abdeh, a former BBC journalist who was at that time a member of the Syrian opposition fighting against Bashar al-Assad. That was a GREAT interview, but my video editor – Joe Irvine, son of ATS owner Bill Irvine – screwed up the interview so badly that I refused to put my stamp of approval on it. He had Malik answering the wrong questions, so the interview did not make any sense whatsoever.

I told Joe that I wanted it fixed before he uploaded it as per my agreement with Abovetopsecret. With my name on the show, I had final say on its contents before it was published. Well Joe uploaded it anyway and made me look like a total idiot. And then when I told him to take it down, he refused. I told Bill Irvine and his sidekick Springer that I would no longer work with Joe because I couldn’t trust him. And that was the end of my relationship with Abovetopsecret.

I had worked for almost 20 years to get to that point, where I could once again get in front of a microphone and broadcast to truth hungry listeners and viewers. In fact, I busted my ass; but I gave it up in order to preserve the integrity of The Truth Is Viral. I did that because when my little girl died I swore to her, and to my Father in Heaven, that I would never again be afraid to tell the truth for fear of ridicule or to have some kind of job security. What kind of a father would I be, what kind of a Christian would I be, if I betrayed that promise in order to bring in a few dollars?

So no, I wouldn’t lie for Abovetopsecret and I won’t lie for Pete Santilli either. Thanks in large part to my Division of Truth Warriors, The Truth Is Viral has been extremely successful, and if I have to I will continue to plug along like the little engine that could - doubling my subscriber base and view count every other month just as I have been doing for the past year. So I don’t need to lie for anybody.

I’m honored to be associated with Pete Santilli and the lovely Susannah Cole. I truly believe that they are good people, that they love this country, and that they will do whatever is in their power to try to get it back on the right track. They are polar opposites of liars like Vinnie Eastwood and Susan Posel, who I have to say are the worst kind of scum imaginable. Not only did Eastwood and Posel – a known plagiarist - do everything they could to derail the Trucker’s Ride for the Constitution, they have viciously and maliciously attacked Pete Santilli and Susannah Cole with slanderous lies backed up by fabricated evidence. They aren’t journalists, they are hacks that probably work for the FBI themselves. There is, in fact, information that points to that possibility; but without further evidence I am not yet ready to make that claim.

Since they started this smear campaign, not only were the Pete Santilli’s servers hacked and attacked, all of Pete’s private information from his driver’s license to his Social Security number has been posted on the Internet. Not only was Pete’s information posted, the photo's and private numbers of his friends and family members were posted as well. One was of Pete’s beautiful daughter. Do you know what these seriously demented scumbags did? They suggested everyone print off her photo, jack-off on it and mail it to Pete. 

They also encouraged people to call his family members relentlessly after they posted the private numbers of all of his friends and family including those of people who called into his show. They started calling and sending emails threatening the show's sponsors of which Santilli was lucky and only lost one.

And then the death threats started being issued against Pete, his family, friends, and closest associates.

Vinnie Eastwood and Susan Posel, I know that at some point you will be watching this. I have just one question to ask: What is wrong with you? That was actually a rhetorical question because I already know what’s wrong with you. You’re sick, and the both of you need to get some serious mental help.

I do not know what legal remedies might be at Pete’s disposal, but if I were him I would pursue them vigorously. Eastwood may be untouchable because he lives in New Zealand where he’s busy humping koalas; but Susan Posel is another story. She’s an American and subject to laws that prosecute crimes like Defamation of Character, Libel, and Slander.

And then, there is Anonymous. All I know is that when they find out that they were lied to in order to coerce them into taking action against Pete Santilli and the Guerilla Media Network they aren’t going to be happy. All I know is that I would not want to be either Eastwood or Posel if Anon decides to extract a little payback.

In closing this segment, I would like for everyone to know that I did try to get Vinnie Eastwood’s side of the story; but after approaching him about it he immediately blocked me and deleted my question.

People that have nothing to hide do not do that. If Vinnie Eastwood was telling the truth, he should have jumped at the chance to tell his side of the story for my viewers; but he didn’t. He ran and hid like the lying little bitch that he is.
And that is all I have to say about that.

Here is the link to all of the screenshots collected:


  1. Hey Bobby! This is Jah Jah from GMN - I want to explain to you a little about the law. An idea is not copyright protected unless it is fixated. Therefore, any idea that is discussed in the realms of a group meeting, is not only subject to breach of fiduciary duties, but also is in general not protected unless it is fixated. The date of fixation is FIRST created by GMN. That is Copyright law !! Also Vinnie - is still liable for his actions- we can still sue international criminals via the Hague Convention. The issue we are having is the waste of time, and the lack of money that Posel and Eastwood has- there is no reason to damage their pockets anymore... because Posel , for example is on Food stamps. We hope they stop their slander and incriminatory actions- but if it does continue- I do know all the laws, and will help GMN to the fullest extent of the law.

    1. Vinny Eastwood did have the Guerilla name many years before the meeting with Peter. The attacks are fuelled by the fact Vince feels something was stolen from him after the joint venture fell through.

      This is just an internet flaming war between the two parties and the Hague would not care about this. Insults and allegations have been thrown either way . Yes it is a waste of time

  2. Vincent "Vinny" Eastwood and Susanne Posel = Alex Jones

  3. Vincent "Vinny" Eastwood and Susanne Posel = Controlled Opposition

  4. Good article. Thanks!

  5. Only a coward would block people that want to know all of the truths right now.

    Vincent "Vinny" Eastwood is Alex Jones because he is one of them.

  6. Vincent "Vinny" Eastwood Exposed and Susanne Posel Exposed
