America's top cop, FBI Director James Comey, has tarnished the once sterling reputation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation by engaging in a coverup of the crimes committed by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, obstructing justice and destroying evidence in the process.
Comey came forward and reopened the investigation with "newly discovered emails" only after facing a revolt by hundreds of honest agents whose investigation into Clinton's emails yielded evidence of a plethora of "high crimes and misdemeanors" for which the former Secretary of State should have been charged last July.
At other agencies like the Bureau of Land Management, federal agents are being used to steal farms and terrorize ranchers on behalf of greedy politicians who are selling the nations natural resources to the highest bidder, using power accumulated over decades as congressmen and senators to enrich themselves at the expense of the citizens they are supposed to serve. Even state, county, and municipal law enforcement agencies have been plagued by charges of corruption and abuse of power.

So what are they going to do now that slavery is once more legal in the United States? Will they honor their oaths to "serve and protect," or will they become federalized "Brown Shirts," repeating the tragic history of Nazi Germany?
In this episode of The Truth Is Viral, host Bobby Powell reveals language buried deep inside Executive Order 13603, which Barack Obama signed into law on March 16th 2012 that gives the Federal government the legal authority to force any person into de facto slavery.
According to this Executive Order the President, or those he designates, can conscript "persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation," in "peacetime and times of national emergency." In a nutshell, that means that Barack Obama, and those he designates, can seize any resource, property, or person at any time for any reason, including forcing that person with labor without being paid.
There is only ONE word for forced, "uncompensated employment." That word is slavery.
This episode includes an appeal to federal, state, county, and municipal law enforcement officers to uphold the oath they took to "Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States," by defending the citizens they have sworn to "serve and protect," even when the aggressor is a federal government that has devolved into nothing more than a Tyranny where one man (or those he designates) can order the enslavement of its citizens, their detention in labor and re-education camps - even their deaths - simply by signing a piece of paper.
Executive Order 13603:
Internment and Resettlement Field Manual:
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