After the ISIS-inspired Islamic terrorist attack on the
Pulse nightclub in Orlando which maimed 53 people and snuffed out the lives of
49 others, the topic of gun control is once again front and center on the
national stage.
What is different this time is that some conservative pundits and legislators are joining with the anti-gun Left to call for restrictions on firearms, and they are doing so from a position of ignorance.
What is different this time is that some conservative pundits and legislators are joining with the anti-gun Left to call for restrictions on firearms, and they are doing so from a position of ignorance.
Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson took to the air to ask the
question, “Should ‘assault weapons’ be banned?” Let’s watch A US Marine's EPIC response.
First off Ms. Carlson, the weapon used by the Islamic
terrorist was NOT an AR-15. This is the weapon used by the assailant, it is
called a Sig Sauer
MCX carbine, a modular, multi-caliber rifle system that can be customized
to fire a variety of different caliber rounds, including 5.56 NATO, 300 BLK,
and 7.62×39. The ONLY thing that weapon has in common with an AR-15, other than
the fact that it is black, is that it accepts standard magazines which are
common to scores of different firearms.
I’d like to point out that the gun-control legislation
currently before Congress specifically exempts this weapon, a Mini-14 named
after my late wife DeLynn, from further restrictions, yet would ban the sale of
weapons like this AR-15, which I named in honor of my late daughter Ashley.
- Both of these beautiful ladies are lightweight, gas-operated, magazine-fed, air-cooled, semi-automatic rifles.
- Both weapons fire .223 caliber and 5.56x45mm NATO rounds at a muzzle velocity of 3,200 feet-per-second.
- Both weapons have an effective range of just over 500 yards.
- Both weapons are semi-automatic, and that means that they are NOT “machine guns” as Dirty Harry Reid proclaimed on the floor of the Senate. A machine gun will continue firing until the shooter lifts his finger from the trigger; but both of these weapons send only one round downrange with each pull of the trigger.
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Mini-14 & AR-15: IDENTICAL In Function |
Fully-automatic firearms are
already banned for civilian use by the National Firearms Act of 1934, Gun
Control Act of 1968, and the Firearm Ownership Protection Act of 1986.
Fully-automatic firearms are for military and police use almost exclusively.
By every scientific and practical measure these weapons are
identical in function, the only differences are cosmetic, and anyone who says
any different is either ignorant of the subject matter, a Left-wing
gun-grabber, or a special kind of stupid.
The Mini-14 weighs in at six pounds six ounces without
ammunition, the AR-15 weighs one pound one ounce, less. That is because instead
of the wooden stock on the Mini-14, the AR-15 uses composite plastic barrel
guards that allow the easy installation of accessories.
This flashlight does not make the weapon any deadlier, but
it did come in handy as I left the woods each night last hunting season.
- The laser sight does not make the weapon any deadlier, just more accurate.
- The telescoping stock does not make the weapon any deadlier, just easier to customize to the length of a shooter’s arm.
- The pistol grip does not make the weapon any deadlier, just easier to control.
- The flash suppressor does not make the weapon any deadlier, just more polite.
Most importantly, the black color does not make the weapon
any deadlier, and if anyone thinks it does then they might be racist (or just
really, really dumb.) #BlackGunsMatter!
The reason that Florida has a three day waiting period for
hand guns is because handguns are used in a majority of firearm homicides. It’s
called a “cooling-off period,” and it is designed to allow those who get so
angry at another person that they think that buying a gun and taking a life
would be a good idea time to think about that decision. The reason there is no
waiting period to buy a rifle is that less than 1% of firearm homicides are
committed with a rifle of any kind.
The latest FBI statistics reveal that of the 8,124 gun
murders committed in 2014, only 248 were committed with rifles, and so-called
“assault rifles” comprised only a sub-set of that number. In 2014, an American
citizen was twice as likely to be beaten to death with an assailant’s bare
hands, and more than 5 times as likely to be stabbed to death, than they were
to be killed by an AR-15.
In fact, if one were discount gun homicides in the cities
of Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C., where
Democrats and drug gangs overwhelmingly use handguns to turn the streets of
those cities into battlegrounds bloodier than any in Afghanistan, the United States would be the
4th Safest Country on the Planet. If we really want to decrease
gun violence we should ban Democrats!
Congress said “No.” because the Assault Weapons Ban signed
into law by Bill Clinton is widely recognized to have been an utter waste of
time and energy, having negligible impact on real life gun violence at all.
Clinton even blamed passage of the ban on the subsequent trouncing received by
Democrats in the polls. Just
ask the New York Times how successful the Clinton Assault Weapons Ban was the
last time.
Yes, we do need the
lightweight, accurate, AR-15 to hunt deer and protect our families; but as
Judge Andrew Napolitano has stated many times on FOX, the 2nd
Amendment isn’t about hunting, nor even personal protection.
The 2nd
Amendment was added to the Constitution to give “We the People” the ability to
overthrow a tyrannical government should that dark day ever come, and to listen
to the ACLU that day has already come.
You can click this link to hear ACLU attorney NateWessler call Barack Obama, “Judge, jury, and executioner,” characteristics described by Founding Father James Madison as “the very
definition of tyranny” in Federalist Paper #43.
I’m so happy that you agree I have a Natural Right to life
Ms. Carlson. You know, I was right here in this very store a few weeks ago when
the little old lady behind me tapped me on the shoulder, pointed to my weapon,
and said, “That’s cool. I wish more people would carry guns.” “No ma’am,” I
replied, “it’s not cool; but in today’s world it is absolutely necessary. You
could not possibly be safer than you are right this moment.”
She liked that. So I will continue to carry my weapon every
single day - 24/7/365 – in order to preserve my life and the lives of the
innocents around me.
I have to, because as a Conservative Christian publisher I
get death threats all of the time; but the FBI won’t do a thing about it. One
man who offered a reward for my death and the deaths of my family members, in
addition to explicitly threatening the lives of federal agents, is still
actively posting. So I assume responsibility for my own safety, and the safety
of those I love.
Ms. Carlson, before the Pulse nightclub massacre, the
highest mass shooting body count was racked up by the Virginia Tech shooter who
killed 32 and injured 17 with a Glock 19 and a Walther P22, both popular and
easily available handguns.
Timothy McVeigh snuffed out the lives of 168 people
Oklahoma City’s Alfred P. Murrah Building, including 19 babies, and maimed
another 680 with a truck full of fertilizer and racing fuel.
Julio Gonzales killed 87 people when he used a few gallons
of gas and a book of matches to torch New York City’s Happy Land Social Club in
Terrorists armed with knives killed 29 and wounded 130 people
at a Chinese train station in 2014, and the Palestinian “Knife Intifada”
continues to this day.
On 9/11/2001, the worst terrorist attack the US has ever
experienced, which took the lives of more than 3,000 innocent people, was
carried out by Muslims armed with nothing more than box cutters and pepper
A gun is just a tool folks, it is a hard heart that kills,
and a sick one that murders innocents at school, at work, or at play. Until
someone comes up with a test to determine the content of a person’s heart,
there will be evil people who will use any available method to advance whatever
devilish agenda has infected their twisted minds.
Further restricting guns is not the answer, especially not
now when we are at war with radical Islam, when any trip to our children’s
schools, a mall, restaurant, movie theater, or dance club, could turn into a
life or death situation. I fear that soft targets will be targeted by ISIS
terrorists more and more, and in the nine minutes it takes police to respond to
a call for help, hundreds could die.
Every American citizen is a member of the militia referred
to by the 2nd Amendment, and they should have weaponry that would at
least give them a fighting chance against the modern weapons certain to wielded
by tyrants or terrorists.
Now is the time for that American militia to train to repel
attacks on this great nation by the blood-thirsty followers of a blood-thirsty
religion and a blood-thirsty god. Greg Gutfeld says so, and who am I to argue
with Greg? He’s like Mighty Mouse.
And that is My Take.
Please remember that TTiV depends on your donations to get out and cover the stories spun, lied about, or just plain ignored by the MSM. Please donate whatever won’t put you out towards my trip to the Republican Convention
in Cleveland, where Donald Trump will be crowned the party’s nominee. I intend
to be on the ground, where the metal meets the meat, broadcasting events live
as they happen.
Even if you can’t make a monetary contribution, you can
help by sharing this show with your friends and keeping us covered in prayer as
we go forth to “Save Lives and Win Souls for Jesus Christ” in these very last
Thank you for watching The Truth Is Viral, my name is Bob
Powell, and as always; God bless, Semper Fi, and Ooh Rah.
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