Monday, May 4, 2015

URGENT: Please Help Bobby Get To His Mother's Funeral

I just got the call: After a courageous two year battle with colorectal and liver cancer, my mother is with Jesus.

TTiV Publisher Bobby Powell and his mother Penny.
The funeral is on Thursday so I have a lot to do; but there is a problem. With everything that has been going on here at home I have not been producing many shows (only 6 since last August) and our income has dropped below what it was when I sat on the couch collecting disability. $300 a month below. Hillary Clinton has no idea what "broke" really is until she's had to manage my meager budget.

Normally I use whatever funds are donated to The Truth Is Viral to pay the expenses I incur during the show's production, but this call for donations is very personal. I need to get to Illinois to bury my mother and I do not have enough money to do that. I have already given everything I have towards the production of this show.

If you have the ability, please click the Paypal button on the right to help me get to my mother's funeral. If not, I would appreciate it greatly if you would repost this on your social media accounts so others will see it.

Most of all I could use your prayers for the strength I am going to need to make it through this. I know she is in the loving arms of Christ and I should be happy for her; but I am simply heartbroken.

Thank you all for everything you do to support me and The Truth Is Viral as we go about our mission to "Save lives and win souls for Jesus Christ." The love you have shown to me and my family has not gone unnoticed, and we are extremely grateful.

God bless & Semper Fi,


  1. Rev. Nicole LendmanMay 4, 2015 at 7:53 PM

    so sorry for your loss

  2. Thank you Nicole, and thank you for sharing on Twitter too. God bless you and yours, and remember to tell them how you feel every single day.

  3. I am heartbroken for you Bobby.
    My prayers are for you and your family.

  4. Sharon Natsarim OdehnalMay 6, 2015 at 12:54 PM

    You are such a strong man and have such a good heart. You are going to be greatly blessed in His Kingdom my brother. Father may very well be starting to remove those that He does not want to go through anything more. Because you and I both know something wicked this way comes...even more wicked than what we are seeing now. I know that does not ease the pain any, but also keep in mind that very, very soon we will be with all our loved ones again...praise Jesus!!!

    Your in my heart and prayers and I pray that the Christian body will be there with what ever they can give to help you out NOW when YOU need it. Who knows but this might be a test to see whose heart is open to hearing the nudge of the Holy Spirit? Don't fail the test your brother in need. God bless you Bobby.
