Saturday, September 14, 2013

Strange Sky Sounds, Mysterious Blasts, UFOs And Russian Troops; What Do They Have In Common?

On June 6th of 2012, a massive explosion rocked northeastern Michigan for hundreds of square miles. The epicenter as mapped out according to reports of the blast on Facebook was the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center, home of a new drone facility where the Air Force will be conducting R&D, manufacturing, pilot training, and presumably operational missions. The Air Force denies any knowledge of an explosion at the base.

The ACRTC has been abuzz with all kinds of strange activity, with videos of sounds in the sky accompanied by lights, UFOs being videotaped over the base, harassment of citizens by black helicopters, and sightings of  foreign troops in town becoming more frequent.

Another blast a few weeks ago actually caused property damage, and in this episode of The Truth Is Viral host Bob Powell speaks with the homeowner, who lives right next to the base, about his experiences.

Northern Michigan is not alone when it comes to strange sounds and lights in the sky which are often accompanied by booming noises that are familiar to military veterans as high-explosive detonations. Activist Post writer Brandon Turbeville has written about explosions very similar to those described by residents in Michigan that he himself experienced in South Carolina late last year. Turbeville also relays his experiences in this program during an exclusive interview with The Truth Is Viral.

Strange sounds and booms are being heard and felt all over the world, most recently in Canada.
According to CBC News, multiple residents in Terrace, British Columbia were awoken by a loud whining noise which seemed to be falling down from the sky or rising from deep below the earth’s surface.

“It seemed to be coming from the sky or underground, something so loud though. And I believe it was heard in Hazelton, which is close to here, and as far as the Nass,” said Mandi Campbell, who heard the noises Thursday morning. ("Is There an Earthy Explanation to These Loud, Whining Noises Supposedly Coming From the Sky? — Or Are They Part of a Larger, Worldwide Phenomenon? ~  The Blaze.)


  1. Amazing blog, keep up the fantastic work. People deserve to know the truth...

    1. I'm glad you enjoy it Miguel.

      God bless you and those you hold dear brother. MARANATHA! Look up for Our Salvation approaches.


  2. Awhile back there was a shootout between longshoreman,and scabs?chinese?any way the fight was about empting out all washingtons reserve food and grain warehouses in the state and loading it on chinese ships to china,AND now we discover the DHS is going to food and grain warehouses around america and HAULING ALL THE FOOD and grains to the LANDFILLS and burning it? planned FAMINE? looks that way,?DHS (russians) we have TROUBLE coming our way ,the LORD showed me a RED DAWN attack on america a while back,(warm sunny weather,football season,possible weekend,holiday maybe?) anyway it was a fullblown attack,military,police gangs,chinese troops,russian troops,all dressed in american uniforms,american military vehicles,sand colored,with BIG guns mounted on the roof of the trucks,shooting and killing everyone they saw,get ready my friend,the LORD,always shows me what is going to happen..........ARIZONA,,by the way,IF your on the coast ,LEAVE NOW your in extreme danger.....................

  3. YOU look like you might be of child raising age,married, kids,LET me open your eyes in case you or your friends have children,THE LORD said their going to go to the schools and KIDNAP all the children and then call parents,and say ,we got your children,and if you want them back, bring us your guns,NOW the LORD says, they ain't going to give back the kids,THEY WANT TO ARREST YOU and get your guns,and they have NO intentions of giving back your kids,NOW when this happens,DON'T go there alone,get all your friends and HIT THEM HARD,your children were going to be raped and murdered,remember that,and I'am sure after the right kind of talking to them,they'll tell you where the kids are,then you can do it again.......ALSO ,the LORD woke me up the other day,YELLING (OCT.15, IS D-DAY) he yelled it so many times,I was wide awake,going OK,OK I heard you.........Arizona......good kids are going to need it and THE LORD TOO.................

  4. OH,shit,...I see you LOVE ISRAEL,thats good,THE FATHER LOVES THEM TO,Jerusalem,IS HIS HOME TOWN,he owns it ,not no one else,THEIR JUST CARETAKERS,living there,NOW the BAD NEWS,IF anyone you know lives within 100 miles of the mississippi river,THE DAY OBOOZO,forces the jews to divide Jerusalem,YOU GOT maybe 24-48 hours to be away from that river,HES going to make the BIGGEST canyon,from the gulf of mexico,TO hudson bay canada,THE grand canyon will look like a mud puddle,compared to what HES going to do,ALL the states will disappear into the know the IQ of americans seems to be getting LOWER every year,MESSING WITH the FATHER him self,is really stupid,he'll destroy this whole country if they mess with him to much,I kid him about being IRISH,he just laughs,BUT he does get mad ,and he'll take everyones kids if he decides to wreck america,these guys really shouldn't mess with him ,he don't like it......and he already WARNED everyone,HE'LL TURN THIS PLANET upside down,and empty it out.........

  5. If you don't know that the people who say they are Judeans and are not but lie and are the synagog of Satan, Khazars from Georgia who converted to Babylonian Judaism in the 7th centuty, not Israel, who's name they've usurped, you sure haven't been talking to the Lord.
    Been doing meth or what?

    1. To deny that the Jews in Israel right now are the proper ones is to call the Lord a failure.

      The "Valley of Dry Bones" prophecy in Ezekiel 37 has already happened. It was fulfilled when Israel became a nation again in 1948. God said He would call the Jews back to Israel from all over the world, and He has; a process that continues to this day.

      If you say that God allowed the wrong people to come back and take possession of the Holy Land, then you are saying that God's plan to bring His children back failed.|

      I refuse to accept that.

      Brush up on your Ezekiel brother. Maranatha.

  6. May I ask why your license was suspended?

    1. South Carolina law requires that you have valid South Carolina insurance in order to maintain your driving privileges. When I moved to Michigan I got Michigan State-required no-fault insurance when I got my tags, but since my South Carolina DL was still valid for another year I planned on waiting until it expired before getting a Michigan drivers license.

      Once the South Carolina DMV was informed by my S.C. insurance was no longer valid, they suspended my license. They SAY that they sent me a letter informing me of the suspension, and they may have, but I never got it.

      So I was driving around for 6 months thinking everything was cool - I had valid insurance, valid tags, and I thought I had a valid DL. When I got to the base though, they had already run me through their computer and found out my license was suspended; a fact of which I was unaware.

      So I was arrested, I paid my bail and was released; but it cost me more than $800 to get my license back, $400 for each of my 2 vehicles, one of which I had to sell to pay the fine.

      My 19-year-old son was arrested 6 hours later and charged with DUI. In Michigan they have a "Zero Tolerance" law for teenage drinking and driving and he had the smell of beer on him from A SINGLE BEER he had consumed with his dinner some 3-4 hours before. The charge was later dropped because he blew a 0.0 (NO alcohol in his blood,) but we were both harassed by local police and deputies for weeks.

      Over the next few weeks we were pulled over about 6 times between the two of us, but the only thing they ever charged either of us with was my son failing to put on his seatbelt.

      I would always engage the officers in conversation when we got pulled over. In fact, I have gone out of my way to introduce myself to the local law enforcement community since that first arrest and I think they have become comfortable with who I am and what I am tying to do (I think at first they thought I was a Sovereign Citizen or some other kind of troublemaker.)

      In fact, most of them have professed their faith in Jesus Christ to me during our conversations and I am pleased to say that a few of them have become good friends.

      And that is the story of how I learned first-hand how Fusion centers work.

      God bless,

    2. Thank God you weren't mistaken for a person of the sov cit persuasion! Just remember that in addition to Sovereigns, Vets, Christians, and gun owners are still higher than the AL Q Jihadi's...So your still scum like me

  7. Sounds like HARRP to me especially the lights.

  8. Methinks 'anonymous' has been skipping his meds

  9. Stay the course !!!!
