Saturday, July 27, 2013

Millions Of Americans Set To Gather In DC On Sept. 9th To Give Personal Messages To Congress

On September 9th millions of Americans will gather in Washington D.C. to let their Congressmen and Senators know that they are sick and tired of the crimes being committed by the Obama administration, that they have had enough of the coverups, lies, and scandals that are endemic in the Executive Branch, and that they want their elected Representatives to take immediate action to Impeach - and imprison - Barack Hussein Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder.

The People are not satisfied with the efforts being made in Congress to get to the bottom of the various scandals. High Crimes and Misdemeanors have been committed against the People of the United States - including the extra-judicial murders of American citizens who had never even been charged with a crime - and they demand that Congress take more forceful action, issuing subpoenas and warrants for the arrest of those individuals who refuse to tell Congress the truth about their involvement.

It has been almost a year since the American mission in Benghazi was attacked by al-Qaeda terrorists, the same terrorists Obama unleashed on Libyan dictator Moammar Gadaffi, and the State Department has refused to allow the victims of the attack to testify before Congress; even threatening those who do wish to testify with jail should they tell Congressional investigators the truth.

This is beyond unacceptable. The People are so angry that a recent poll shows that 29% of them see a violent revolution as the only way Americans will be able to regain their freedom. Bobby Powell, the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of The Truth Is Viral, has a plan that just might wake up those members of Congress and the Senate who live in a bubble, insulated from their constituents, who are either unaware - or are complicit in Treason with Obama - that their actions are leading to a bloodbath.

There are several groups of Patriots, and the number of groups increases every day, that are planning to descend on Washington D.C. throughout the month of September. Each has an agenda that may or may not coincide with the plans of The Truth Is Viral; but we are unconcerned with the plans of others. We have a plan of our own.

I will be making a packet of information available to the viewers of this program which will include a 200 point affidavit presented to the Alabama Supreme Court by Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse proving - using the President's own expert -  that Barack Obama never has been eligible to hold the office of President of the United States, and that the document published by the White House that is purported to be Obama's birth certificate is indeed an utter forgery.

I intend to personally present this packet of information to Dan Beneshek, my elected Representative in Congress, and to my Senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow. I am encouraging everyone who reads this to do the same. While I am there I also intend to point out to Senator Levin, one of the architects of the NDAA, that every single State Representative and State Senator in Michigan has voted to nullify the indefinite detention provision in the NDAA.

I am going to ask Senator Levin how he can support the NDAA when the People of the State of Michigan, through the UNANIMOUS vote of their state-level representatives, have told him to shove it. More than two dozen other states also have legislation nullifying the NDAA, or portions thereof, on the books or pending approval. That means that many others will be able to make the exact same argument to their Congressmen and Senators. Hopefully enough of them will see the light that the NDAA can be repealed and the threat of indefinite detention without benefit of counsel will be no more.

After I have thoroughly shamed my own representatives I am going to take a stroll to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Anyone wishing to walk with me is welcome to do so, but I am not calling this a "march," "demonstration," or "protest" because permits are not needed for American citizens simply wishing to visit the nation's Capitol.

I am probably going to have to get a permit to set up my sound system in front of the White House, but that's just me. Once I set up I am going to speak Truth to Power, cranking up the volume as high as it can go to make sure that Barack Obama hears me when I call him out. He is NOT going to be happy with what I have to say.

In order to get to Washington D.C. though, I need your help. The $2,200 it is going to cost me to rent a vehicle and get to D.C. and back with my gear is equal to more than 2 months of my Social Security Disability income. I will gladly throw my own body on the gears to ensure a future for my children and grandchildren, but I need you to get me to the machine.

If you want to watch me take it to those in Washington D.C. that are purposely trying to destroy this country, click one of the Paypal buttons at the top right of this page and give until it hurts. I have given everything I own to keep TTiV on the air, even taking a cut in my disability income, food stamps, and completely losing my Medicaid.

I have nothing left to give but my body, and I will gladly put that on the line if it means I can save my children, and yours, from having to live in a totalitarian, Islamophilic, Communist dictatorship. I believe that Father saved me for this final battle, and that He is using me - and you - to save lives and win souls for Him before Christ returns to put an end to this BS once and for all.

My friends, I leave you with this from the Book of Ephesians, Chapter 6, verses 11-20:

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 

In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind
be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 

Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

God bless and Semper Fi,
Bob Powell
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
The Truth Is Viral

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  1. Hey bobby be trying to find the pay pal button

    1. There are two at the top right of the page. They don't actually say Paypal; one says "Donate" and the other says "Subscribe." The top one is for one time donations, the bottom will set up a payment on a weekly or monthly basis.

      Thank you and God less,

  2. Yes ... I don't see the Paypal button Bobby...

    1. There are two at the top right of the page. They don't actually say Paypal; one says "Donate" and the other says "Subscribe." The top one is for one time donations, the bottom will set up a payment on a weekly or monthly basis.

      Thank you and God less,

  3. Hey Bobby any chance of Arlo going to Washington DC to help the cause?

    1. I haven't spoken to him since Myspace was new, but I will send a message and ask.

  4. You should join forces with They are scheduled to March on 9/11/13. Instead of two marches two days apart.

    1. i am the founder of Patriots4America contact me here> if you would like to have a conversation about joining forces! just a notion

    2. sorry probably should include this so you can see for yourself our mission! here is my site URL

  5. Bob I don't know if you seen this!
    GILBERTON, Pa., July 25 (UPI) -- A Pennsylvania police chief said he expects to lose his job because of online posts in which he calls liberals "libtards" and tells critics "[expletive] you."

    Gilberton, Pa. Police Chief Mark Kessler is seen in a YouTube clip firing federally restricted weapons along an old strip-mining road while unleashing a stream of vulgarity -- referring at one point to an earlier clip that had drawn criticism for its vulgar content, the Allentown (Pa.) Morning Call reported.

    Read more:


  6. Like the mayor said what he does on his time is not his problem. Referring to last comment

  7. Hey Bobby I just watched the grinding down of america on the patriots4america and have to tell you that its an eye opener. I hope that we can all come together for this greater cause and unite together at their gathering. You seem to be a good man and would like to see you there. May god bless you and your family and lift you up to bring you with us to DC goodnight.

  8. This should happen at all state capitals as well, the louder the voice the quicker you get a response.
    Actually, city level rallies with the same message would be like 1 voice or shout to bring down the walls of Jericho! AND the sooner the better!
    Double Dog Dare Ya!

  9. Will somebody be there to hand out the information Mike Zullo has come up with to regards of obama BS fraud? It's my understanding there are still lots of people that have no idea this investigation has been going on, or is still going on.

  10. It's Sept 9th dumbass. No one showed up. Ha!

  11. What?

    No revolution?

    I'm stunned.

  12. I hope you guys didn't put too much effort into this march.

  13. Lol, bobby is demolished and will never recover.
