Thursday, May 23, 2013

Adam Kokesh Exposed: Open Carry March On Washington Is A Trap!


Much has been said recently about Anarcho-capitalist activist Adam Kokesh, who has promised to lead an Open Carry march of 10,000 locked and loaded demonstrators on the United States Capitol of Washington D.C. on the 4th of July. On this episode of The Truth Is Viral, Tim Brown, Editor-in-Chief of, delves into Kokesh's unsavory past, and his even more unsavory friends; scumbags ranging from hateful Code Pink activist Cindy Sheehan to the terrorists of Hamas and Hezbollah.

Many have compared this march to the Battle of Lexington and Concord, where history records that the "Shot heard 'round the world" began the Revolutionary War; those people need to crack a history book, because Kokesh's march on the nation's Capitol bears absolutely no resemblance to the first battle of the American Revolution. Many more are frustrated that the numerous, and obviously criminal, scandals embroiling the Obama Administration have not yet ended his failed Presidency and are ready to take the law into their own hands; to start a new Revolution.

With a recent poll showing that nearly one-third of American voters expect that they will have to take up arms to take back the reigns of power from a federal government gone insane, many of those people have just been waiting for someone to lead them. Adam Kokesh wants to be that man. This is a frightening thought.

By his own admission Kokesh suffers from PTSD so severe that he has trouble handling large crowds; not a trait one would expect to find in a military commander. Another trait displayed by Kokesh that is anathema to any true Patriot is his support of terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah - Enemies of the United States - and radical anti-war activists including Iraq Veterans Against the War and Code Pink, that tried to deface the Vietnam War Memorial, an act of vandalism Kokesh himself attempted to participate in before the group was stopped by Honorable Vietnam Veterans at the 2007 Gathering of Eagles. Kokesh also counts the Occupy Movement, funded extensively by anti-American Jewish billionaire George Soros, as his allies.

In addition to U.S. State Department-listed terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, Kokesh also has extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda are two sides of the same coin; one the political wing, the other the military. The organization, which states publicly that their goal is the overthrow of the United States from within, has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration, helping to cause his foreign policy of toppling stable Middle-eastern governments in favor of theocracies led by the Muslim Brotherhood to come to fruition.

Finally, as shown on his personal Facebook page, Adam Kokesh lists "Obama for America" as an employer. Assuming he gets out of jail in time to lead this Open Carry march, is there any better reason not to follow this man on the 4th of July? Other than the fact that one shot from an anxious Patriot or an agent provocateur would start a bloodbath and give Obama all the excuse he needs to implement Martial Law that is.

The Truth Is Viral does NOT support Adam Kokesh or his ill-advised and poorly though-out plan to stage an "armed revolt" in Washington D.C. on the 4th of July; in fact, TTiV urges everyone to stay as far away from the event as possible. It could very easily turn ugly.

"Hijacked USA," this writer's first written article after "waking up," which was mentioned in the video, can be found here:


  1. OK, I was buying it until you said he was supporting Hamas and Hezbollah and that is impossible. Kokesh is Jewish and there is no way he would be supporting them. Further you said that Al Qaeda and the muslim brotherhood were the two sides of the same coin. WRONG AGAIN. AL QAEDA WAS CREATED, FUNDED, AND USED CONTINUALLY UP TO THE PRESENT TIME BY THE CIA AND MOSSAD to stir up the middle east through bogus rebellions like they want to do here but it isn't working. You better read what the military wrote about Mossad and Israel before they got fired from the pentagon.

    Come back when you have links to prove any of this including Kokesh being a provocateur.

    1. 1. Watch his videos. He does support muslims and compares them to Christians in their lethality.

      2. The CIA did not Create "The Base". The Muslim Brotherhood created them. The CIA trained "The Base" in Afghanistan to fight the Russians, and one of their Leader's were Bin Laden.

      I don't know if he's affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, but I know he has no grasp of history, no accurate concept of Islam, and completely igtarded about Christianity. Which means he's a Liberal. The end.

    2. the president supports the Muslim brother hood. I belie this is just trying you stop the march. it time for a revolution when the government dose what its doing. Its time we the people make the government striation up and do what its suppose to. Get ready its coming.

    3. ill back kokesh over the government right know. the government will do any thing to stop this march because there scared of the people coming together against them. if they keep this up a civilwar is coming. could be on the forth if they start trouble are it could be later but its coming.

  2. "Kokesh is Jewish..."


    "you said he was supporting Hamas and Hezbollah and that is impossible."

    Some Jews do support contradictory worldviews, much like the German who agreed to be eaten.

    Soros, for instance, professes to be Atheistic, which is a tacit denial of his Jewish identity.

    The rationale is comparable to white guilt and affirmative action.

    "prove any of this including Kokesh being a provocateur."

    The tactician was using simple, objective language. What does Kokesh stand to gain. What does he stand to lose.

    1. Quote: ""Kokesh is Jewish..."


      Yeah his LAST NAME MORON, it's Kosher

      Quote: "Soros, for instance, professes to be Atheistic, which is a tacit denial of his Jewish identity. "

      Most of the Jews living in Israel ate atheist. Bill Maher who attacks Christianity with impunity, while he wants us to defend Israel. Why? BECAUSE HE IS JEWISH AND AN ATHEIST! Jon Stewart is another atheist jew, but the most famous has to be Karl Marx. Yes he was an atheist and a jew. They are the same Jews Jesus himself called a Brood of vipers Where do you get this idea that Jews can not be atheist? There is a HUGE difference between Judahites and Jews. Judahites were Gods chosen, Jews, for the most part, don't even believe in God much less think they are his chosen.

  3. The art of making lots of accusations without providing evidence... Nice hit piece. The district of Columbia vs Heller is a supreme court decision. Look it up.

    1. It's a Supreme Court decision that DOES NOT APPLY to people that don't live in the District. Look it up and READ IT! Derp.

    2. No YOU look it up. For the same reason Chicago LOST recently in their unconstitutional anti gun laws, is the same reason the 2nd amendment applies everywhere.

      What the hell is wrong with you dude? This entire article is rubbish plane and simple.

      Quotes like this "Kokesh also has extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood"

      Shame on you for bearing such false witness and spreading such slanderous garbage. You know the part that really showed me how pathetically desperate you are? The part where you take his statement about working for the Obama admin as his revolution czar, serious and cite it as a reason to not support Kokesh. Did you even consider ASKING him if he was serious about that before re-stating it in the context he was serious. Most of us know if Kokesh was hiding anything like that, the last thing he would do is post it on his FACEBOOK!

      Unless of course he was only being facetious
      AND YOU CAN'T TELL it is a JOKE.

      You know nothing of this man

      so quit lying about him

      or face a law suit

  4. Zionists constantly strive to deceive Christians to blindly support the present State of Israel as if that is the same as the Israel of the Old Testament. It is quickly proven by reading the Bible that the arguments Zionists use are false. True Christians who are led by the Holy Spirit understand the Scriptures and thereby are not fooled by those who twist the facts to suit their agenda. Genesis 12:3 is not a call to financially reward a nation not even formed at the time Genesis was written. Today's State of Israel is not friendly to Jesus the Son of God and in fact Christianity is not allowed to be preached there. Read the New Testament book of Galations to understand the truth of who God wishes to bless.The collective body of Christians throughout this World is in fact Israel.

    1. Call me a "Zionists"! Call me “infidel”! Hell, call me a cab but with 20 years in the defense of American I see what's happening and as a CHRISTIAN I will stand with GOD’s people and not against them. Our own country, one founded on Christian beliefs, is not “friendly” to the Son of God. Believe what you want, but I choose Christ and not what is being pushed through this hateful government. Don’t believe me? Why is it that there is a push to remove anything Christian based from government buildings & lands but sharia laws makes its way into court rulings and city edicts. I wonder when the atheistic are going to voice disapproval to mohammad and islam (they are both lower case for a purpose).

  5. Your game half truths tell a whole lie.
    Or are you a naive full or is an accomplice and deserve to live in this shithole this country is becoming.

  6. Khazarian Empire. Research it. Don't support the nation state of Israel, but rather the nation of Israel that is spread out among all nations that will be brought together upon Christs return just like it says in the Bible. The same Bible you claim to know so much, but happened to miss that key fact.

  7. You people are the craziest lot I have ever run across including the author of the article. If any of you are looking for what's wrong in this country look in the mirror if you remembered to put them in your paranoid bunkers.Clearly you have forgotten your medication. This more than anything I have ever read proves the need for background checks and gun owner registration.

    1. WTF are you TALKING ABOUT? This = gun owner registration? Is this your normal MO? "These people are scary so we need our nanny to put them on a list". You friggin moron! Do the planet a favor and die ASAP!

    2. Thanks for proving my point for me:) you crazy nut jobs need to be on more than one list gun owners list,s domestic terrorist lists, insighting war lists ,just to name a few good luck with life.

      Just as a side note telling anyone to die ASAP as some sort of intellectual argument won't convince anyone of your sanity but luckily they will be able to track your activity online to show your crazy after you are arrested which is clearly in your future

    3. What a "Brown Shirt"

  8. Wow, you believe in the Bible... LMFAO!!! You want to know the real reason why the Bible doesn't mention the United fucking States thousands of years ago? IT'S BECAUSE THE FUCKING COUNTRY DIDN'T EXIST, YOUR GOD DOESN'T SEE THE FUTURE, AND, WAIT FOR IT, BOMBSHELL, YOUR GOD DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST YOU OPEN-MINDED FUCKING RETARD... If you were 1% as open-minded as you claim, you wouldn't be quoting the Bible you ignorant fuck...

  9. Your pals over at freedom fighters radio like you Bob are a bunch of retarded cunts with your lame smear attempt of Kokesh.
    Now go suck some Israeli dicks like good little serfs.

  10. Kokesh is also a lunatic you guys are all insane. If god did exists he would strike you down for all of your hateful war filled words and send you all straight to hell and let the rest of us sane loving people live in peace without all of you. So glad Heaven wouldn't want me f you guys will be there I will be happy with the alternative.

  11. This March is nothing like Lexington and Concord.
    The Tyrants were the aggressors there on that April Day in 1775.
    They came to my Ancestors.
    Here Kokesh is the aggressor going onto what will be a Bridge to Nowhere.
    That Bridge is Bad Ground, Mr Action Freak - Agent Provocateur Adam Kokesh.
    Wait for the Tyrant to come to you, then pick better ground. That Bridge is a Leftist trap to further radicalize the masses of everyday citizens that support the 2ND Amendment now, but will be changed in Obama's favor when the shooting starts. Yes! There will be a shooting confrontation which will become a massacre of innocents with their families visiting Washington for a 4TH of July Celebration. Veterans, Your ranks are already Infiltrated with those working for this Administration. They will see to it the shooting starts.
    Stand down and wait for the proper time and place.

    1. STFU - pussy. "Yeah, let's never do anything because there are agents amongst us". In case you forgot - STFU!

  12. Omg you people need some doctors All of you

  13. You can bet your ass there is going to be a an incident on the 4TH!
    I know how these commies operate. Your going off half-cocked on bad ground is gona make you absent when we really need your support. The location and timing is BAD! The WH will run with this incident and ram their gun control home. Civilians will become victims, not from your AR15s, but, from the Infiltrators within your ranks.
    Before you sound off like a Lib calling names, I was and still am the worst enemy these Commies ever had and I know their tactics.
    You will be dealing the cards and you will miss the play when they do not fall as you counted on them to.
    You and your good veterans need not fall into this trap.
    Besides this will take away the tight we have this Administration in now with Benghazi, AP, IRS and a bunch more charges surfacing.

  14. Where is Video Number 2?

  15. bob you are a lame disinfo agent , gatekeeper for zionism ... you piece of filth .



    1. Actually, I'm not. If you had been watching my videos, or if you had read the article that I linked in the video description - Hijacked USA - that you would know that I equate Zionists with the "Synagogue of Satan." The Bible describes them as "Jews that are not Jews," and they currently have a huge hand in running the planet through murder, terrorism, and large-scale wars - everything I am against.

      You need to wake up FULLY homie, and quit making assumptions about someone based on one video; because your assumption about me is DEAD WRONG.

    2. Bob is absolutely correct about the Zionist and the last thing he would be is one of their gate keepers

  18. PRAY FOR USA and FOR THE WILL OF YHWH (God). Pray 4 USA B4 IT'S 2 LATE! IF this march takes place, freedom as we now know it, though tenuous at best, will NO LONGER EXIST. When will we realize the TRUTH THAT MAKES MEN FREE?

    PRAY for USE B 4 IT'S TOO LATE! Rev Charles.


  20. . The only reason you should need a gun is if you are going to go out and hunt for sport or food. I have my gun rights taken away cuz I did some property damage and am now a felon, before this happend I bought deer tags and turkey tags every year now I can't go out and enjoy a past time of my family with my family I have paid my dues 10 yrs and yet im still not a 100% American cuz I have no Gun rights, am I an american ? it shouldnt matter if you have a felony our not its what you do with the gun that makes it illegal , stiffer gun laws and background checks arent going to solve anything maybe you should let everyone carry then you'll never know who could pull one on you! And maybe ppl might start being nicer and show some respect .
