Monday, June 22, 2015

Happy Father's Day To My Dad, Bobby Powell

My father is the strongest man I know.

Happy Father's Day Daddy!


  1. If this were true the Gen would love Obama.

  2. Spies and plants don't normally praise those for whom they work in the midst of the organizations they infiltrate. It's called working "undercover." Geez bro... use your head for something other than a hat rack.

  3. So how's that Satanic trap to kill patriots working out for ya, Bobby? We tried to warn you how stupid you were, but you insisted. You're nothing but another shock jock who can't earn a dime without spreading lies. You ought to be locked up at the funny farm.

  4. I didn't see any sign of the "American Spring," maybe a couple hundred is all. What a fail. Tell your boss Gen. V. to get his lips off of the Devil's ass and maybe he can still be saved, IDK, that's not my decision to make.

    All I care about is that God positioned me so I could foil it, and I did.
