Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Black Hawk Helicopters Terrorize Michigan Citizens; DHS Vans Spy On Outspoken Activists

As detailed in a previous episode of The Truth Is Viral, a combat-wounded Army Ranger has come forward to complain about attempts to intimidate, some might say terrorize, Michigan Patriots who are vocal about their opposition to the Obama regime. In this episode, the viewer will hear his harrowing tale in his own words.

This war veteran's blood, indeed, the blood of everyone who was ever wounded or killed in the line of duty, has been shed on behalf of a nation that is increasingly turning on those veterans with a paranoid vengeance; declaring them possible "domestic terrorists" along with Preppers, "Birthers", pro-Lifers, environmentalists, home-schoolers, Christians, and even - ridiculous as it sounds - people who pay for their purchases in cash.

This witness, who has come forward to tell his story, has been an extremely vocal Patriot, and has experienced direct intimidation in the form of black vans with tinted windows (but without license plates) parking down the street from his house hacking into his WiFi and spying either on him or on the whole block. More disturbingly, he says that he was paid a visit by a Black Hawk helicopter that flew so low the pilot could have trimmed the man’s tree with his main rotor.

The witness, who spoke on camera on the condition that his identity be obscured, said that a Black Hawk helicopter buzzed his home twice, once flying no more than 20-25 feet above the ground directly over his backyard. The pilot hovered, he said, looked him dead in the eye for a few seconds, then turned his aircraft and flew off.

Angered at what was clearly an act of intimidation the witness said, "They can take my blood, they can take my life, but they will never take the rights that God granted me. Those are God-given, and there's not a man walking on this Earth that can come up against God and win."

Operating under cover of the largest air combat exercise in the country called "Northern Strike," the skies over Northeastern Michigan have been filled with flights of attack helicopters, all fully loaded, flying back and forth to the gunnery range at Camp Grayling. C-130's have also been landing at the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center filled with foreign troops taking part in these exercises, which include ground operations. I personally ran into four individuals in the local Walmart who bore all the hallmark signs of being Spetsnaz - Russian Special Forces. That story will be released shortly.

Untold numbers of citizens across the United States who have opinions that differ from those of the current administration have suffered some form of intimidation at the hands of an increasingly paranoid government that is desperately trying to survive a series of scandals, any one of which could bring the Obama administration crashing down.

That intimidation has been most visible of late in the form of IRS targeting of Conservative groups, and Justice Department investigations of mainstream journalists. FOX News Washington Bureau Chief James Rosen was nearly charged with espionage by the Justice Department. A DOJ affidavit accused Rosen of being “an aider, an abettor, and/or a co-conspirator” simply for doing his job.

This targeting of journalists was telegraphed by former DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano who said that the National Operations Center’s Media Monitoring Initiative and its Office of Operations Coordination and Planning can collect personal information from news anchors, journalists, reporters or anyone who may use “traditional and/or social media in real time to keep their audience situationally aware and informed.”

But when the government sends a Black Hawk helicopter to hover just feet above the head of an innocent American citizen who has done absolutely nothing other than voice his opinion in accordance with the 1st Amendment, terrorizing that citizen and his wife, that action goes beyond simple intimidation and enters the realm of criminality; a condition to which the Obama administration is no stranger.

It is, in fact, illegal for a pilot to fly his craft in such a manner. Using an attack helicopter to intimidate and terrorize American citizens who have done absolutely nothing wrong represents a clear and present danger to the citizens of this town, this county, this state, and this country.  At the urging of this reporter, the source in this episode is going to contact local civil authorities to ask them to open an investigation into this matter.

We, the citizens of Alpena Michigan, want this pilot’s wings clipped. If an investigation reveals that the pilot was ordered to fly his helicopter with the intent of intimidating the source and his family, we expect the United States government to punish the person who issued those orders to the fullest extent of the law.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

DHS Black Hawk Helicopters Harassing Patriots In Their Own Yards

Alpena Mi. 8/25/2013 - In response to a story published by The Truth Is Viral a few days ago, Publisher Bobby Powell has been contacted by several people with their own stories to tell. Late Saturday evening, in a cloak and dagger meeting right out of a spy novel, one witness came forward to tell his story for the record.

This witness, a combat-wounded Army Ranger who has been an extremely vocal Patriot, has experienced direct intimidation in the form of black vans with tinted windows (but without license plates) parking down the street from his house hacking into his WiFi and surveilling either him or the whole block, and a visit from a Black Hawk helicopter that flew so low the pilot could have trimmed the tree with his main rotor.

The witness, who spoke on camera on the condition that his identity be obscured, said that a Black Hawk helicopter buzzed his home twice, once flying no more than 25 feet above the ground over his backyard. The pilot hovered, he said, looked him dead in the eye for a few seconds, then turned his aircraft and flew off.

Angered at what was clearly an act of intimidation the witness said, "They can take my blood, they can take my life, but they will never take the rights that God granted me. Those are God-given, and there's not a man walking on this Earth that can come up against God and win."

Canadian JTACs mapping bombing coordinates.
 Operating under cover of the largest air combat exercise in the country called "Northern Strike," the skies over Northeastern Michigan have been filled with flights of attack helicopters, all fully loaded, flying back and forth to the gunnery range at Camp Grayling. C-130's have also been landing at the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center filled with foreign troops taking part in these exercises, which include ground operations. I personally ran into four individuals in the local Walmart who bore all the hallmark signs of being Spetsnaz - Russian Special Forces.

When I was in the Marine Corps, the Commies were still our enemies. The Berlin Wall was still up, the Iron Curtain was still down, and the Red Menace represented by China and the USSR were our mortal enemies. Tasked with knowing our enemy, training on how to spot enemy soldiers among the civilian population was a skill particularly harped on by our Company Commander.

Not only did these guys have the stern, square-jawed appearance of a steroid-popping Type-A personality, they were speaking Russian; always a dead giveaway. Each one of them carried one of those European-style man purses over their shoulders, the bag itself resting on the side of their torso. I KNEW these guys were packing heat.

Well, so was I. And I got brave for a second.

I followed them for a minute, trying to listen to their conversation to see if any words stood out; but I followed them for just a minute because they made me almost right away. I'm sure they saw my military bearing as well, as if the Marine Corp T-shirt and sidearm weren't hint enough (LOL), I was hardly inconspicuous.

That's when it started getting hairy. Without breaking stride, one of them broke off and circled around and started following me! Not wanting to get into a gunfight with Russian Special Forces in the baked goods aisle of the local Walmart I broke off myself and went out to the truck to grab my camera. I came back inside looking for them, hoping to get a photographic record, but I couldn't find them.

The episode containing this interview will be uploaded as soon as I record an interview with a second source who has a story that is more on the "inside" if you know what I mean.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers folks; in fact, pray for our entire nation. Everything that I'm hearing points to a dramatic change in our way of life before the year is out. If we are to survive, we will most definitely need the help and protection of Jesus Christ and His Father, Almighty God. If He stands with us, who can stand against us.

I echo the sentiments of my fellow patriot as I pray for the safety of him and his family: They can take my blood, they can break my body; but they will never break my spirit. If I am destined to give my life for the Truth in the service of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ then so be it. I can't think of a better way to die.

God bless and Semper Fi,

Attack Helicopters Buzz Reporter's House; Spetsnaz, Blacked-out DHS Vans Roam Michigan Streets

A flight of Blackhawk and Apache attack helicopters buzzed a reporter's house on Monday, August 12th 2013; part of a military buildup at the Combat Readiness Training Center in Alpena Michigan.

In addition to the helicopters which were actually caught on video, several local, unimpeachable sources have told The Truth Is Viral Publisher Bob Powell that black DHS vehicles have been roaming around town in the dead of night with their headlights off, training for God knows what. Drones have been seen in the skies above Alpena, the home of a brand new drone facility, and Russian Special forces have been seen in town.

On June 6th of 2012, there was a massive explosion that rocked Northeastern Michigan for hundreds of square miles. This event was reported by hundreds of people, including Alpena County Undersheriff Terry King who said he felt the Alpena County Sheriff's Department building shake as though in an earthquake, yet except for The Truth Is Viral, local media have not reported on the explosion at all.

This reporter was arrested when I attempted to get the Air Force to comment on video, and other than a blanket denial left on my cell phone by the base commander's secretary, the government has maintained its silence on the issue.

After that explosion a witness came forward claiming to have seen U.S. fighter jets engaging a UFO in the skies over Lake Huron, just off the Alpena County shoreline. In order to verify this claim scientifically, this reporter went to Flightradar24 and watched the radar tracks for that night.

At around the same time that the UFO dogfight was reported, three aircraft - one a "cargo" flight from Qatar (home of CENTCOM) - disappear from radar after being held motionless as if they were being held in a Star Trek-type tractor beam for 15 minutes.

You can watch that episode by clicking this link:http://bobpowell.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-season-two-finale-of-truth-is-viral.html

None of those planes were reported missing, and the radar tracks from that night have subsequently disappeared from the Flightradar24 servers; but the screen captures still exist in the episode linked above. The investigation into what caused the blast is continuing.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Free Speech Under Attack: A Message to Oath Keeper's Stewart Rhodes

In this episode of The Truth Is Viral, host Bob Powell reaches out to Oath Keeper's founder Stewart Rhodes and Sheriff Richard Mack, hoping to impress upon them the importance of supporting Gilberton Pa. Police Chief Mark Kessler as he fights against a merciless Liberal horde that is calling for his head, figuratively and literally as well.

By now it has been well established that Chief Kessler did not commit any crime, nor did he even violate the Gilberton Borough policy concerning the weapons that he used to make his incendiary videos. Even though he is supported by an overwhelming majority of the citizens of Gilberton, outsiders have been pressuring the town council to make the Chief's 30 day suspension permanent.

Anti-gun nuts from all over the country have signed a petition calling for the Chief's dismissal. The petition was brought to the recent Borough meeting by anti-gunner Michael Morrill of the radical Progressive group Keystone Progress. Initialed, allegedly, by supporters all over the country - the "petition" has very few verifiable signatures - Progressive pantywaists want Kessler fired; for no reason other than the fact that they didn't like what the Chief had to say in response to death threats made against him and his family.

As long as his speech and his actions are legal, Col. Rhodes and Sheriff Mack need to stand up for Chief Kessler's right to express himself. Today the Progressives are targeting a small town law enforcement officer who dared stand up against a pack of bullies; tomorrow they will be coming after meatier fare, like Col. Rhodes.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Some dead white philosopher said that once. His name was Voltaire, and his ideas helped form the basis of this Republic; in this case, the First Amendment. Are we to abandon those lofty ideals now because we are offended at the manner in which someone spoke?

If we do, then we should be ashamed of ourselves.

1st Amendment Under Attack:
A Message to Stewart Rhodes (FULL 30 Minute Show)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Why I Support Israel (And Why You Should Too)

In this episode of The Truth Is Viral host Bob Powell explains from both secular and religious viewpoints, Christian as well as Muslim, why everyone should support Israel's claim to the Holy Land as opposed to the murdering thugs at the helm of the Hamas government in Gaza in particular and Muslims in general.

An update on plans to be in Washington D.C. to tell Truth to Power on Sept 9th is included at the end of this show.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Outspoken 2nd Amendment Activist Chief Kessler Suspended; Santilli/Antonello/TTiV Simulcast

This is a simulcast of The Truth Is Viral Live, the Pete Santilli Show, and Antony Antonello's "Silence is Compliance" recorded live as news came down that Chief Mark Kessler had been suspended by the Gilberton Borough Council without pay for 30 days for allegedly "using Borough property without permission."

The "property" at the root of the charge are the weapons that Chief Kessler used to punctuate his point during his profanity-laced videos that took literary aim at various Liberal trash in the United States like U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and California Democratic Senator Nancy Pelosi.

Kessler has stated that his intent was to shock and draw attention to the fact that the rights of American citizens are being trampled upon, but he denies any wrong-doing. In fact, what makes this charge so ridiculous is that Kessler bought the fully automatic weapons with his own money and donated them to the Borough, along with the ammunition, he used long before he ever made the videos.

In one of his videos Kessler railed against Kerry's support of the United Nations small arms treaty aimed at controlling the sale of arms both internationally and domestically. Kessler then fires his weapon in full-auto mode and screams, "Come and get it!" In another, a tongue-in-cheek "apology" to those who took offense at his Kerry video, Kessler says, "Fuuuuu$# you!" and rocks three different weapons in full-auto mode again; one of them a sweet Glock handgun with an extended stock.

Kessler's feelings are well understood by TTiV Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Bobby Powell. The Chief's life, and the lives of his family, have been threatened by these Libtards; something with which Powell has first-hand experience. Hundreds of death threats from Black Twitter users poured in after he dared opine that the latest album from rap musician "The Game" entitled "Jesus Piece" was a piece of garbage.

One of those threats was directed against Powell's wife who is fighting for her life against Stage IV Colo-rectal and Liver cancer: Mrs. Powell was threatened with gang rape. More than seven months later, the FBI has still refused to arrest the individuals that issued those threats; because they are Black and Powell is White. You can watch the episode of The Truth Is Viral that documents those threats by watching this next video here, or by clicking this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJt2YUECmY8

It is interesting, and disturbing, to note that a petition allegedly containing 20,000 signatures (most with first name only, impossible to confirm, signatures) was presented as "evidence" of popular sentiment to fire the Chief. The petition was presented by Michael Morrill of the Progressive activist group Keystone Progress, which goes around Pennsylvania terrorizing, suing, and threatening anyone who does not support their anti-gun, pro-homosexual, pro-child murder (abortion) agenda.

It is the editorial position of The Truth Is Viral that if the People of Gilberton Pa. have a problem with their Chief of Police then it is up to the People of the Borough to have him removed. The Borough Council caved to outside pressure when they illegally suspended Chief Kessler, stating that he even needed permission now to call himself "Chief."

"We're gonna have a problem there," the Chief said.

The Borough Council does indeed have a problem when it comes to their attempt to muzzle the highly popular Chief, who also hosts a pro-Constitution talk show; because The Truth Is Viral will continue to support Chief Kessler as he fights back against this unjust decision, bringing our own pressure to bear on the Council.

If the homosexual, baby-killing, panty-waist coalition headed up by Keystone Progress can gin up 20,000 signatures on their fake petition, watch as Patriots from around the country - who are also fed up with being bossed around by loud-mouth Liberal fruitcakes - come up with 200,000 real, verifiable signature supporting Chief Kessler and his right to express himself in any way he sees fit.

Subscribe to The Truth Is Viral here, on Facebook, and on Twitter, as we follow this case. Also, make sure that you subscribe to Pete Santilli and Anthony Antonello at the addresses listed below.


The Chief is going to need our support and prayers now more than ever. You can find a link to a support petition and the Gilberton Town Hall phone number below. Please sign the petition and give the Town Hall a call to voice your support for Chief Mark Kessler.


570-874-4790 OFFICE
570-874-4792 FAX