Friday, June 27, 2014

Predator Rising: Obama To Use Drone Strikes On Americans In US

In what must be a first for American politics, Republican Senator Rand Paul and the ACLU agree on something: Barack Hussein Obama is a murderer.

Obama has given himself, and those he designates, the power to order the deaths of American citizens without ever having charged them with a crime in a court of law. Obama exercised this power when he ordered the drone strikes on Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan.

Two weeks later al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son Abdulrahman was also killed in a drone strike in Yemen. When the boy went out looking for his father, not knowing that he had already been killed, he and several friends were blown apart by a Hellfire missile as they sat next to a campfire eating their dinner.

The Obama administration says Abdulrahman’s death was a mistake.

Now that Obama has successfully murdered three American citizens with barely a peep from Congress - and has successfully installed the author of his legal justification for the extra-judicial killings of American citizens onto the federal appeal's bench - it is not a stretch to believe that he will eventually use this power domestically. One reason is because Attorney General Eric Holder and CIA director John Brennan have both refused to assure the American people that drones will not be used to kill American citizens without charges inside the United States.

Over the next few minutes I’m going to prove how this is the most frightening concept in modern politics, an issue that affects every American citizen equally, regardless of their political beliefs. If you don’t watch another video today you must watch this one, and share it with your friends, because this is the most important issue affecting American citizens today. This is an issue that has been brought together critically thinking individuals from both sides of the aisle, uniting Tea Party favorite Rand Paul and the ACLU among others in an effort to save the Fifth Amendment and preserve the rule of law.

Out of all of the scandals currently confronting the Obama administration one might think ordering the death of an American citizen who has not been charged or convicted in a court of law, with no congressional oversight or judicial review whatsoever, might be at the top of the list of impeachable offenses committed by Barack Obama. When the merciless savages of Ansar al-Sharia attacked the CIA outpost in Benghazi four American citizens lost their lives due to enemy action, the government’s response - or lack thereof - became a cause célèbre for congressional investigators; but when the president actually orders the extrajudicial deaths of American citizens who have never even been charged with a crime nobody cares. Why is this?

It is because the Republicans want to preserve that power for themselves. They don’t want to charge Obama with a crime for killing the al-Awlaki’s and Kahn because when he is out of office they hope to be able to do the same thing. Who needs pesky little things like the Fifth Amendment, trials, and representation by a lawyer before the government can just snuff out your life?

The Fifth Amendment states: “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

One does not have to be a lawyer to understand the meaning of the words “No person.” That is very unambiguous language and it was written that way by the Founders because they had just fought a bloody conflict to free themselves from the yoke of a tyrant king who, just like Barack Hussein Obama, thought that it is within his purview to hold the power over life and death with nobody but himself for counsel.

Writing as "Publius" in Federalist Paper #47, James Madison observed that "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."

On September 30th 2011, Barack Obama became a Tyrant when he ordered the deaths of American citizens Anwar al-Alawki, Abdulrahman al-Alawki, and Samir Kahn. On September 30, 2011 the Republic of the United States fell and was replaced with what Madison correctly defined as a tyranny – and the ACLU agrees.

After al-Awlaki was killed ACLU lawyer Nate Wessler, who at the time was working for the ACLU’s National Security Project which handles the question of targeted assassinations by the United States government, appeared on The Truth Is Viral and said that the Obama administration was lawless. He said that Obama and his minions were acting as “judge, jury, and executioner” by denying these American citizens the right to a trial - any kind of trial – and taking their lives without any apparent due process whatsoever.

Rand Paul and the ACLU don’t normally have much in common, but in this interview with CNN’s Erin Andrews the senator said that the very idea of using a drone to strike an American citizen without first going through the courts is “appalling.”

On Wednesday, May 21st, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul gave an impassioned plea decrying the use of drones to murder American citizens without any sort of due process whatsoever in advance of a Senate vote to confirm David J. Barron to a federal appeals court judgeship. Barron is the chief architect of Obama's drone policy as it applies to the extra-judicial killings of American citizens. His policy (a secret policy) was used to justify the killings of Samir Khan, and the al-Alawkis
Paul says that he is "appalled" and "horrified" that we now live in a country where a mere accusation is enough for Obama or those he designates to "legally" order the death of an American citizen - at home or abroad - without ever having charged that person with a crime in a court of law as was done in the case of Kahn and the al-Alawki's.

Last week, the United States Senate voted to confirm Barron to a lifetime appointment to the Federal court. What good is having a Constitution if it can be ripped to shreds by activist judges and Presidential Executive Orders?

The most frightening thing about this entire issue is the complete lack of transparency. Even the process for determining the “guilt” of a targeted individual is, and will continue to be, classified. The entire idea of accusing a person of a crime and trying them in a court of law before a jury of their peers has been thrown out the window by the Federal government. And in case you haven’t noticed, the Department of Homeland Security has issued guidelines that determine who they consider to be a terrorist threat that can be broadly interpreted to include just about anybody.

If you are on one of those lists – and if you aren’t on one by now you should be ashamed of yourself - the President and those he designates can declare you to be a terrorist threat and take your life without any Congressional oversight or judicial review whatsoever. Attorney General Eric Holder and CIA director John Brennan have both refused to say that drones will not be used to target Americans domestically, again without charges or a trial, and that thought is frightening - or should be - to Americans on both sides of the aisle.

In a letter from Eric Holder to the Senate,  the Attorney General said “It is possible I suppose to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate under the Constitution and applicable laws of the United States for the President to authorize the military to use lethal force within the territory of the United States. “

Today, a Democratic American President named Barack Obama has the power to kill anyone he wants using only his pen and his phone. In 2016, that power could be transferred to a Republican President named Sarah Palin, Chris Christy, or Jeb Bush. And now they have backup to take the lives of any American citizen they choose on the Federal appeals bench.

Are you concerned now? 

You can watch the entire, explosive, 30-minute interview with ACLU attorney Nate Wessler by clicking this link:


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Cancer Victim's Obamacare Nightmare: Death Panels And Racism A Reality

My wife DeLynn is going to die.

Barring a miracle, something which is being constantly prayed for and is entirely possible considering the boundless healing power of Almighty God, I have had to come to terms with that reality. While I might not be able to do anything to prevent the cancer that has ravaged her body from taking her life, I should at least be able to make her passing more comfortable; but we are being blocked at every turn by coverage limitations under Obamacare and, even more shockingly, social workers who delight – and profit – from denying benefits to eligible clients.

DeLynn and our grandson Conner
My wife and I are not the only victims of a social services system run by sadistic ideologues. According to a vendor for the Michigan Department of Human Services, the department is filled with cruel, uncaring, and despicable “social workers.” In an exclusive interview with The Truth Is Viral, this whistleblower says that she has personally held conversations with social workers who called their clients, “leeches, losers, and lowlifes.” She relayed the story of one woman in particular who was raising five children alone after her husband left upon learning that she had cancer. The woman’s worker told the whistleblower, “She should have thought about getting sick before she had all of those kids.”

The whistleblower described the sickening practice of rewarding workers who denied benefits to eligible clients – many times based solely on the fact that the client was white – and how those workers were rewarded. Every time an eligible client was denied a benefit for which they would normally be entitled, the worker gets a “brownie point.” According to the whistleblower, these brownie points can be turned in for pay raises and promotions.

One would think that people choose social work in order to help people who are in need. It is possible, and apparently altogether too common, for social workers to become so jaded that they begin to treat their clients with the disdain normally reserved for junkies or skid row bums stinking of Sterno; and even then, aren't they human beings deserving of compassion too? When that disdain takes the form of criminal actions that not only adversely affect the lives of society’s most vulnerable, but define anew terms like “corruption,” “avarice,” and “sociopath,” it is incumbent upon society to put an end to those actions and punish those responsible.

The Old Ball & Chain dragging me to garage sales.
I believe that my family is being punished by our social worker and her superiors. We can never get a phone call returned by our worker and her supervisor refuses to meet with us or even consider our request for a new worker despite repeated complaints. Whenever I go to talk to him he’s “In a meeting” or otherwise unavailable. My wife’s Medicaid has been turned off twice since she was diagnosed with cancer. Dealing with the disease is difficult enough without having to fight to keep her insurance for no good reason whatsoever. We are literally afraid to ask them for anything for fear of having new sanctions imposed instead of the help we require.

But the situation here at Casa Powell has reached the point where my wife needs skilled, in-home care; she needs hospice. She’s pretty much confined to bed, as her bed sores will attest, depending on me to steady her and provide what measures I can to make her comfortable. I’m “on-call,” literally 24 hours a day, unable to even leave the house to shop for groceries unless there is another adult available to stay with her.

Chemo-weakened bones break from simply walking
So last week we called NEMSCA, the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency which works with Social Services to arrange such things, only to receive a letter informing us that my wife could not be evaluated because their in-home nursing program was “at capacity.” In other words, they don’t have any money. So much for Obamacare “protecting the most vulnerable in our society.”

Does anyone else find it disturbing that the government can find money to supply weapons to terrorist groups in Syria (ISIS thanks you Mssr. Obama & McCain,) and send illegal aliens to school instead of sending them back to the country from which they came, that Bradley Manning can transmogrify himself into a “woman” (boy, will that ever make him popular in Leavenworth,) and aged transsexuals can use Medicare to pay for their gender reassignment surgeries when they turn 65; but a dying woman can’t get skilled end-of-life care? Possibly because she is white?

The very thought makes me want to vomit.

If you would like to do something to change this, share this video on every social media site to which you belong. Post it on Twitter, sending it specifically to the FOX News personalities listed below. If anyone expects MSNBC to touch this story they’re nuts. Post it on Facebook, remembering to post it in all of the groups to which you belong in addition to your timeline. Click the share button under the video on Youtube and it opens up to reveal ten different sites where you can share the video with a couple of mouse clicks. Then send it to all of your email contacts and ask them to do the same. Send up smoke signals if you have to.

Maybe someone who can help us will see this and give a damn.

Our 25th anniversary gift; a night in a B&B
DeLynn and I want to thank everyone who has been praying for us as we have waged this battle against this most insidious disease. Your kind comments, lengthy written prayers, and moral support have strengthened us more than can be described. We’d ask however, that you not give up yet. We haven’t. Continual prayer may yet have the desired effect and save her life.

I can’t imagine a greater miracle than a cure for her cancer and diabetic neuropathy, and if one is forthcoming I swear now before the entire world that I will be ceaseless in my efforts to proclaim the healing power of Christ to all who would listen. If granting that miracle is not Father’s will, then we will need your prayers to strengthen us for our walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
In any case, please pray. At this point, for anything that matters, Jesus Christ is our only hope.

UPDATE: 12/2/14
After DeLynn's diabetic coma and heart attack last month she was finally assigned a nurse to help me care for her three hours a day, three days a week, for a total of nine hours. We are extremely grateful to everyone who made this possible, and most especially for the particular caregiver we were assigned.

DeLynn's nurse is an absolute gift from God. She's a dedicated, caring health professional who stands up for her clients rights, making sure that they get all of the services to which they are entitled; and she works her tail off around here too. What she gets done in nine hours would literally take me, and my aching back, days.

Most importantly, DeLynn loves her. So does Tink. And Tink doesn't like anybody but her mommy.

Even though this particular issue has been resolved for us, for the moment, please understand that there are many others who are still being victimized by Obamacare, who are refused treatment by de facto "death panels," and are - according to my guest in this episode - victims of racism; mostly single mothers, refused services simply because of the color of their white skin.

UPDATE 2: 2/4/15

DeLynn's Medicaid has been turned off again. It's actually been off for over a month now and, despite having turned in all of the requested paperwork - again - as of this writing a decision still has not been made. This also affects our son Adam who can not see a neurologist for recurring headaches after a head injury because his Medicaid was also terminated. Me? Pffft. Who cares?

So please Tweet this episode to:

God bless you all, and Semper Fi,
Bobby and DeLynn